(Stu Turk) (06/02/90)
Index Number: 8573 > Hello. That flashing thing to let Vixen know the > phone is rining sounds like a good idea. I was just wondering > tho', isnt Vixen also Blind? what can a person with her problem > do then to know when the phone is rining? Vixen is legally blind but can still see (I am also deaf/blind). For those who are deaf and totally blind there is a (somewhat expensive) device called a Silent Page (mfg. by Quest Electronics. $500 for one receiver and two sensors). A sensor would be placed by the phone and doorbell and when either ring the receiver, which is worn on the wrist like a watch (its about 3 times the size of a mans watch but made of lightweight plastic) will start to vibriate. A dead but sighted person would look at the receiver to see which LED light is on, indicating which sensore had activated. For the deaf blind there is a different model receiver which has small pips that pop up in place of the LED lights. -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!129!26!Stu.Turk Internet: