(Ed Arnold) (06/04/90)
Index Number: 8588 Folks, I need some advice on sources of modems that can be used for both TDD calls and 1200/2400 ASCII calls. Our state assistive technology committee will be setting up a technology information service, and presumably persons with TDD devices will want to call in too. I called the AT&T special needs center, and they sent me a brochure on the "1310 Plus", but it's a terminal with integrated modem - NOT what we want. We need the versatility of a computer. I think what we really want is a modem that can accept both TDD or 1200/2400 baud ASCII calls, which translates both ways from TDD to ASCII when necessary, so it would look like a regular modem at the rs232 jack and could be used with any of the popular communication programs on Mac or IBM. Is there such an animal? Thanks in advance for your advice. If you're reading this on Fidonet, please *post* your response; I'm on Usenet, Fidonet netmail probably won't get to me. -- Ed Arnold * NCAR * POB 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000 * 303-497-1253(w) [] * era@ncario.bitnet * era@ncar.uucp "See, the human mind is kind of like ... a pinata. When it breaks open, there's a lot of surprises inside." --Jane Wagner/Lily Tomlin (Dick Barth) (06/05/90)
Index Number: 8653
In Digest 1309, (Ed Arnold) writes:
I need some advice on sources of modems that can be used for both TDD
calls and 1200/2400 ASCII calls.
I think what we really want is a modem that can accept both TDD or
1200/2400 baud ASCII calls, which translates both ways from TDD to
ASCII when necessary, so it would look like a regular modem at the
rs232 jack and could be used with any of the popular communication
programs on Mac or IBM. Is there such an animal?
Unfortunately, not to my knowledge. The commercial TDD modems I'm
aware of are described in the file "compare.tty" which can be
downloaded from the HEX BBS, numbers below. To summarize...
The only commercial TDD modems provide TDD and 300 baud ASCII.
There was at one time a unit made by IMS that also handled 1200;
they no longer make it but you may find one secondhand. IMS has
designed a unit that handles TDD plus ASCII up to 2400 but it's not
in production. IMS is looking for a company to produce and
distribute the products; manufacture of consumer computer products
is not their business and they don't want to get into it.
Eventually you may find the product (and if you do, please le me
know). For the time being, the chances look kind of slim.