(Vixen) (06/28/90)
Index Number: 8958 Hi Barbara, Well, how can Vixen let a discussion about sexuality pass by without saying something! Based on my own experiences, I have found that disABLED guys that have trouble approaching women, seem to be pretty much the same as able bodied guys who have the same problem. Except, some of the disABLED guys feel that their disability is an additional obstacle that would prevent a woman from being interested in them. Of course, I am speaking from my perspective as a woman and a disABLED woman and a woman who has worked with disABLED Persons. There have been a number of times when I have been told by a third party something like, "Hey Karen, you know what, Magoombo O'brian would really like to ask you out!" But, Magoombo wouldn't do it because he was in a wheelchair or deaf or whatever and just "automatically" assumed that I could not possibly be interested. Then what happens is that I feel bad for Magoombo and I also feel annoyed that Magoombo has just automatically judged me that way even though he never even approached me! Also, Vixen does really take good care of herself and is very much younger appearing than her years and men do like to flirt with me. And, this seems to compound my problem too! That a lot of guys think that I am out on a hot date everynight with all these abled studs and I wouldn't have time for them! The fact is, I am not out half as much as I would like to be and I am far more in terested in a plain old nice guy who really cares about me as a person, whether he is disABLED or not! I really have no desire to be chasing "Ken dolls" the way people seem to think I probably am. I often think to myself, the only way this guy is going to go out with me, is if I ask him! Just once, if one of these guys would get the courage to ask me, I think I would fall over! And what is really dumb about all of this is that I am a disABLED person too! Certainly that doesn't make me all knowing about other disabilities, but it does makes me more socially aware and accepting of other disABLED people as worthwhile and interesting people. I think much of this really just boils down to self confidence and not pre judging other people! Heck, I don't mind going dancing with someone in a wheelchair or who is H.I. or to a movie with a sighted person and so on and so on!. A nice guy is a nice guy is a nice guy! I know that that is all I require from someone I go out with! Keepin' the faith! . Vixen -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!203!11!Vixen Internet: