(Alan Hess) (07/13/90)
Index Number: 9129 [This is from the Spinal Injury Conference] Well, my annual midsummer depression has hit (about a month later than usual). I'm in another one of my "quadriplegia sucks, and so do doctors" phases. I'll be starting yet another medication trial for attempted pain control this week. This time, I'll be taking ethosuxamide, an anticonvulsant that has been known to screw up the bone marrow and kill those who take it in some cases. Isn't that special?? To think that all we really need is simple spinal cord regeneration to solve our problems of paralysis and pain. what are the medical pros waiting for, better times? *adh* -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!261!1000!Alan.Hess Internet: