(Nadine Thomas) (07/24/90)
Index Number: 9458 In a message to Bill Higgins <16 Jul 90 18:24:00> Linda Thompson wrote: LT> We have not found anything satisfactory in the way of wheelchairs LT> that combine what we need -- something that let's him carry things LT> and is easy to get into and out of a car trunk by somebody balancing LT> on one leg or that I can lift (limited weight), that is also LT> lightweight enough that he can push himself over long distances or LT> that is small enough to be maneuverable LT> (OHYSI) through shopping aisles, etc. LT> LT> Input? Suggestions? (PRICES??) Hi LInda......hope you don't mind my jumping in here. If he got one of those 3 wheel (amiga - I think is one brand) jobs that are motorized and then get a motorized lift that gets welded onto the back of the car you could accomplish what you want. If he has medicare it will cover some of the cost. Check with Soc. Sec. too - they may pay for part of it. If it is a birth defect then check with Easter Seals Foundation and they may be able to help too..... A friend has the setup I described and *I* could even use it if I had to. It is maneuverable and will fit through shopping aisles, and usually has a basket on the front (not super big but big enough) to put things in under normal conditions. (food shopping for the week is out unless you both eat very very little (grin). Nadine -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!360!1.59!Nadine.Thomas Internet: