Dan.Kysor@f11.n203.z1.fidonet.org (Dan Kysor) (07/25/90)
Index Number: 9494 [This is from the Blink Talk Conference] blnd.txt Dan Kysor Notes on the BLND DATABASE July 5, 1990 It was brought to my attention that there is a new service by which blind patrons have the capability of accessing the library of congress "National Library Service" talking book systems database. This access would be by computer through the existing system. This is truly a boon for the blind. For once, the blind, like the sighted, now have computer access to their library... or do they. On the surface, this looks really great until you discover what is involved. The national library system's "books" are doccumented in a database called "BLND". This database is updated everyday with additions and subtractions. The database is managed by N.L.S.B.P.H. but has a datamanagement service distributing the "BLND" data to all of the regional and sub-regional libraries. This "BLND" is the name of the database which contains all book titles and which is sorted in several ways. Many have told me that this service would be handeled on an 800 watts free service... Well guess again. Here is what one has to do to use a system the tax payers have already paid for. Keep in mind sighted people can use library computers. Blind patrons must do the following to recieve library titles on their modums. 1. The database management company who handles NLSBPH's titles is BRS, Phone (Bibliographic Retrieval System)1800-289-4277 First you must register with these folks. They work like Compuserve and charge like you wouldn't believe. First, you must pay a one time registration fee of $75. Well that's not so bad, since it's only "one time", HOLD ON!! Next, there is a $12 per month fee for god knows what. That's it... Oh, I forgot, there is an online user fee of $35 per hour for their cheap "Night Search" feature. Well, pretty expensive-- even for Compuserve, let alone for a system to support blind talking book users. One must remember one fact about the blind today, 80% are unemployed. This dosn't mean always have or always will be, just 80% at one time, now. 2. You must send a letter with your BRS account nummber to the NLS system for your instatement into the network. You are instructed to write to Jane Mendelbaum N.L.S.B.P.H. 1291 Taylor St. NW. Washington DC. 20542 Ph. 202-707-9313 That is what you have to do as a blind person to broouse titles via computer. I believe that this service is for those who can afford it and the rest of us have to do without. If you would like anything more on the subject, Please contact me, Dan Kysor at- 1409 Carriage Path Way Sacramento, Ca. 95814 Phone 916-446-2462 Here is some additional information that will assist you. First, if you are in the Sacramento Area, I urge you to write the following persons informing them of this situation and your dislike of paying for library services. 1. U.S. House of Representative Robert Matsui 8058 Federal Bldg 650 Capitol Mall Sacramento, Ca. 95814 Phone 916-551-2846 2. California State Assemblyman Lloyd Conley- 1127 11th. St. Rm. 505 Sacramento, Ca. 95814 Phone 916 445-7272 (Kathy Luddy- Contact person) I reccomend that Bay Area residents contact their perspective Federal and State legislators. All are reccomended to write the director of the National Library Service BPH in Washington D.C. at the following address- Mr. Cylke, Director National Library BPH. 1291 TTaylor St. N.W. Washington D.C. 20542 You may include copies of letters to legislators to Mr. Silky. In the mean time, I will include periodical updates on this situation to you. You may be called upon to attend hearings. Don't let the rich have better library service than the rest of us... IMPORTANT UPDATE! I have heard from all of the above mentioned- let's play pass the buck. Mr. Matsui wishes to let the state handle it so he passes the buck to Mr. Conley. Mr Conley has proved most helpful. He contacted Mr. Cylke who proved to be most unhelpful in his response to Conley. A long description of the history and statistics of NLS with a 2 sentence reference to this issue was all we heard from NLS. Mr. Cylke stated that NLS is about 3 years from developing computer access to it's patrons and that the existing BRS system is for the "professional" blind, whatever that means. We will continue to update this situation as it develops. In the meantime, we are looking for volunteers with optical scanners so we might begin producing the year-end catalogs of titles from NLS. These catalogs are not copyrighted... If you would like to become involved with us on this issue, contact me at 1409 Carriage Path Way Sacramento, Ca. 95814 Phone (916) 446-2462[B -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!203!11!Dan.Kysor Internet: Dan.Kysor@f11.n203.z1.fidonet.org