(Carol Wheatley) (08/09/90)
Index Number: 9619 [This is from the Spinal Injury Conference] I am an Occupational Therapist working in an rehabilitation center. We are trying to start a Community Living Skills program, and would like to include as much realistic information as possible. My question to you all is: what should you have known before you left the rehab center to return home? What would have helped you in your transition? Do you feel that this info would have been of value while you were preparing to leave the Center, or do you think that you would have had to learn it yourself once you were out? I quess that's enough for starters. I would really appreciate everyone's input - it'll help us set up a better program. Thanks alot. -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!261!1000.0!Carol.Wheatley Internet: (Joe Chamberlain) (08/09/90)
Index Number: 9631 CW> I am an Occupational Therapist working in an rehabilitation center. We CW> are trying to start a Community Living Skills program, and would like to Transportation. Driving. Getting around the mall. Using driveways when no curb cuts are available. Restraunts. Forget public bathrooms. McDonalds has the most accessible bathrooms. Apartment living. That what the O.T. department thinks is necessary will cost a fortune. Cheaper alternatives. Talking books free from the library for the blind and physically handicapped. Snow clogging up the spokes of you chair. Learn to do your own w/c repair. That should keep you busy for awhile. -=joe=- -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!150!140!Joe.Chamberlain Internet: (Jerry Pickup) (08/10/90)
Index Number: 9672 [This is from the Spinal Injury Conference] In a message to Anyone With An Opinion <28 Jul 90 13:40:00> Carol Wheatley wrote: CW> I am an Occupational Therapist working in an rehabilitation center. Hi! I am a C-1 & 2 incomplete quad since 7/10/84. CW> We are trying to start a Community Living Skills program, and would CW> like to include as much realistic information as possible. My CW> question to you all is: what should you have known before you left CW> the rehab center to return home? What would have helped you in your I did my rehab at Shepard Spinal Center (Atlanta, Ga) and later participated in the independant living program at the Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute at Warm Springs, Ga. I learned alot from both and both were necessary to prepare me to come home and face the real world. If there was any one thing that has helped me most in being able to go and to do, it is the definition of the word independant. When someone is first injured, they usually think of independance as being able to do everything for ones self, or being physically able bodied. If I retain that as my definition of independance, I'll be sitting at home for a long time. On the other hand, if I learn to do what I can for myself and then concentrate on ways to get the other stuff done, I can really be independant. For example, if I want to live alone independance does not have to mean I can get myself in and out of bed and do my own showers, etc. It can mean learning to hire and manage personal care attendants or learning how to ask for help in public when I can't open a door or can't reach the high shelf in the grocery store, etc. CW> transition? Do you feel that this info would have been of value CW> while you were preparing to leave the Center, or do you think that CW> you would have had to learn it yourself once you were out? I quess Alot of it has to be learned through trial and error but one of the best things that Shepard did was to take us on frequent outings to malls, restaraunts, movies, etc and we were able to get a taste of what the real world is like to someone with a disability before they actually sent us home. -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!360!1.33!Jerry.Pickup Internet: (Nadine Thomas) (08/10/90)
Index Number: 9685 In a message to Anyone With An Opinion <27 Jul 90 13:55:00> Carol Wheatley wrote: CW> My CW> question to you all is: what should you have known before you left CW> the rehab center to return home? What would have helped you in your CW> transition? Do you feel that this info would have been of value CW> while you were preparing to leave the Center, or do you think that CW> you would have had to learn it yourself once you were out? I quess When I left rehab. I felt very vulnerable and did not know how to keep my parents from taking control of my business etc. without allowing me the dignity of making my own decisions. I would have liked to know that this was a possibility and how to handle the situation. My self-worth was pretty precarious and did not need them to shove me off of it. Learning to deal with it would help in that department. Thank you for asking. Nadine -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!360!1.59!Nadine.Thomas Internet: