[misc.handicap] Scared

albrigh@oktext.uucp (Gary Albright) (08/11/90)

Index Number: 9715

Hi yall, I have a real problem and its only in my thinking I hope.
I have divorced a short while (5 yrs) and have decided that I want
to move down home where my parents live (down home is anywhere my
parents live, just the way I am). Anyway I want to move down to
Orlando, Fla. to be close to my parents and family which is my
only brother who lives in Orlando too. I don't have anything left
here and have missed being with my family since I haven't lived
with or been close by since I was 18. My parents are getting older
and I want to be with them in there last years, not that there
going to kick off anytime soon, but you know what I mean. All my
so-called friends abandoned me when I lost my hearing and as Sheila
explained to me it was because there immortality clock was running
and they didn't want it to run out on them too.

So my question is I'm scared to death of going down there to look
for employment. I mean I had this job when I lost my hearing and
have never had to do this since. I don't know what to do or expect.
What I expect is turn downs because of my hearing. What do I say,
what do I tell these people about wanting a job. I can do anything
with the right amount of training. 

Does anyone know of any organizations or HI organizations that I
can contact to help me find out what is available for someone who
is very hard of hearing but can speech read pretty good and usually
doen't have much trouble as long as I'm one on one. I just get
lost in groups. I really want to get down there as soon as possible
if only I could get a decent job.

The reason I used hurry as keywords was that I'm going down there
on vacation the 17th of Aug. and want to do some looking while I'm
there. Please excuse me for giving you all such short warning but
I really was kind of scared to ask you knowing you have alot more
to do than to hurry with responsed to me.

Any help would be appreciated.

Remember I love you all!!!
