[misc.handicap] FES

grg@cblpn.att.com (Gregory R Grimes) (08/11/90)

Index Number: 9718

Hello Everyone,

My sister-in-law has asked me to post an article
for her.  She was stricken with a spinal disease
a couple of years ago that has left her a quad-
roplegic.  Actually, she has limited use of her
hands.  I'm not sure if that makes her a para or
a quadroplegic.  Anyway, she has been wanting some
information about the Functional Electrical Stimulation
(FES) network, FESNET.  In particular, she wants to know
how people get accepted into their program.  Any info
would be appreciated.  She also wanted to know if
anyone had information on job opportunities for the

Please post or email any information you may have.

Thank you.

Gregory Grimes
AT&T Bell Labs, Cols., Ohio
(614) 860-2915