[misc.handicap] THE TEVIS CUP RIDE

Vixen@f11.n203.z1.fidonet.org (Vixen) (07/19/90)

Index Number: 9307


As some of you know, when I was less disABLED, I was once an avid
horseback rider.

One of my dreams was that I wanted to partcipate in the Tevis cup
ride one day. But, life being what it is, I never made it to that

Now here I am blind and going deaf and surprise of surprises, this
dream has come back to me. I am finding that I still want to
participate in that event.

Now, I have no false hopes of winning the Trophy or anything like
that, but I would like to give that ride one hell of a try and and
at least finish the endurance ride so that I could earn a Tevis
Ride belt buckle.

Are they any others here who are familiar with the Tevis cup ride
(100 mile pony express route endurance ride) who knows who I might
contact. I Have long ago lost the addresses of the organizations
and people to contact.

Further, if you do know about the Tevis cup ride, do you know of
any provisions or assistance that could allow for a disABLEd person
(sight and hearing impaired) to take part in this event?

I am not too proud to accept help , supervision and assistance to
accomplish this task, just as long as "I" have to do the work and
finish the ride.

If anyone can supply me with any information relevant to my quest,
I would be very much appreciative.

Look out world, Vixen is setting goalss again!!

Keepin' the faith!

.                      Vixen

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!203!11!Vixen
Internet: Vixen@f11.n203.z1.fidonet.org

34AEJ7D@CMUVM.BITNET (Bill Gorman) (07/24/90)

Index Number: 9400


I will answer you here, since my messages to your BBS never seem to land.

Yes, I know of the Tevis Cup Ride. I forget who runs it, but I will find
out and post it here.

I, too, long ago gave up the idea of participating. Chickened out, I guess,
or maybe it was the ol' self esteem problem.

What are you thinking/dreaming/planning/hoping about using for a horse?
(I have a reason for asking).



Vixen@f11.n203.z1.fidonet.org (Vixen) (08/09/90)

Index Number: 9623

Hi Bill,
Alright! Another person who knows what I am talking about! I thought it might be a shot in the dark, but see, you just never can tell.
I wanted to do the Tevis Cup ride years ago when I was more Abled and I had a beautiful but spirited (yet still awesome on the trail) Morab! She was just perfect and I know I could have done the 100 miler with her and made it! (Unless "I" collapsed heheh!) 
She was a beautiful horse registered both with the "American Part-Blooded Horse Registry" and the newer (at that time), "Morab Registry." For those that haven't figured it out, a Morab is a horse that is half Morgan Horse and half Arabian, They have the extreme endurannce of both the Morgan and Arabian and usually look more like Arabians in confirnation but perhaps a bit heftier than pure Arabians.
My Morab was Chestnut with a Star strip and snip and had some cutting horse training before I got her. She could be flighty yet she would do just awesome trail work. She was highly pedigreed with a great lineage on her sires side and Traces back to Don Jubilee and earlier Morgan ancestry. In other words, she was neat.
At this point, I don't have my own horse anymore and I would probably have to find someone or a ranch than might like to sponsor me by providing a horse capable of this endeavor!  I would obviously have to have sighted volunteers who would be willing to assist me at times.
Perhaps it is a lot to ask, but I figure if I am willing to go for it that there just might be someone who would like to see someone like myself take this challenge on and would be willing to help.
As I said earlier, I don't know if other disABLED riders have attempted or completed this ride before and I need to know if the Tevis people would even consider letting someone like myself take a shot at it, even with assistance. But I sure as heck intend to find everything I can about this. Any information you can share with me, will be greatly appreciated Bill!
Keepin' the faith!
.                            Vixen

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!203!11!Vixen
Internet: Vixen@f11.n203.z1.fidonet.org

Vixen@f11.n203.z1.fidonet.org (Vixen) (08/11/90)

Index Number: 9721


Yep, you're right! I will have a harder time with the logistics
than actually attempting the ride! This year is out because it is
already that time of year and I am getting ready for doggie school
and have been busy with mobility and other things as well.

But, if I can find a way to do it! Well, then, I am sure as heck
going to try!

Keepin' the faith!

.                         Vixen

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!203!11!Vixen
Internet: Vixen@f11.n203.z1.fidonet.org