(Scott Marshall) (08/15/90)
Index Number: 9845 Hi Nolan: If you want to check out telix, I use it, and would be happy to give you a copy. Also could help set it up. Come to think of it, I was supposed to call you this week. Sorry! It was a hellish 12 hour per day four days getting out two legislative alerts. Got out 1500 print, 51 cassettes, and about a couple dozen disk copies. Not bad all in all. I think Oral should be getting the stuff. Unfortunately, my priority list of people who get all of the alerts plus the newsletter was on a harddisk which went bye bye during the week. Didn't have time to install the backup copy on the other computer which we were using for word crunching. All of these excuses are intended to say that if you didn't get the material on personnel prep and 89313, you will the first of the week as soon as the priority list is reconstructed. The xerox beast also went down during the week, too. All in a day's work! <grin> Scott ... From Washington, DC, where every day is Christmas -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!129!89.0!Scott.Marshall Internet: