(Vixen) (07/25/90)
Index Number: 9505 Hi, Okay you guys, you keep asking when and if I am ever going to get that guide dog, so, here is the lastest news. Ray Underwood from the Guide dog school in San Rafael just got in contact with me the other day and they are preparing to send out another in-home interviewer to see me very soon. They want to see me again now that I have just about completed my mobility training and that my ears have been plugged into a listening device. Ray told me that I am still officially scheduled for class in September but there is some even better news. It seems likely that I may be able to get into the August class because it looks like they have a definite drop out in that class and two more probable drop outs as well. So, I will be having another in-home interview and neighborhood walk to show them just how good a Blind hearing impaired Vixen can get around. I will do fine, I just know! So, it looks like Vixen will probably be away at guide dog school come the middle of next month! Keepin' the faith! . Vixen -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!203!11!Vixen Internet: (Donna Siren) (08/21/90)
Index Number: 9921 VB> I will be going back in for a further check up Wedsnessday, there is VB> some concern since I "could" be shoowing possible stroke symptoms I VB> guess. But I am hopeful that it will turn out to be something "mickey VB> Mouse!" I hope and pray that it turns out to be nothing serious. Let us know what you find out. Donna -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!396!8.2!Donna.Siren Internet: