(Doug Geoffray) (08/09/90)
Index Number: 9647 [This is from the Blink Talk Conference] WW> Thankyou for your explanation of the Jaws cursor mode, WW> cause to tell the truth, and assuming you are correct, it WW> is the first time Ifeel like I understand what those JAWS WW> users are talking about! Willie, Well, I guess I was a little wrong in my thinking. Some people really like the features of the JAWS cursor. However, just as many like REVIEW mode. So, why not both?! humm. food for thought. You are right about your story of VOS and softvert. You really do need a review mode which allows you to roam around the screen without possability of affecting the underlying application. WW> You know, if the cursor tracking of the speech program is right WW> on, as it is with Flipper (Sorry Doug, but I ain't got WW> Vocal-Eyes....yet!) there just isn't any need ot go into screen WW> review or anything else when answering prompts, filling out WW> menu selections, etc. Willie, you and I know how to fix this little problem! Getting Vocal-Eyes that is. but your thoughts are correct. With todays screen readers you don't have to rely on screen review mode like screen readers of the past. The problem is, as screen readers get smarter, applications programs get more difficult. Thanks for your thoughts Willie. Doug -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!369!8!Doug.Geoffray Internet:
campbell%hpdmd48@hplabs.HP.COM (Gary Campbell) (08/20/90)
Index Number: 9882 (Walter Siren ) writes: [How about that! I really am getting to Fidonet! :-)] >Index Number: 9870 >Gary, if you are going to go to the jaws cursor mode, and then >immediately route the jaws to the pc cursor, You don't have to >press the jaws cursor first. Just route jaws cursor to the pc >cursor, and it will put you in the jaws cursor mode, and roube the >jaws cursor to the pc cursor at the same time with the one key >stroke. Thank you... so simple, and obvious! Oh well. Now, can I break myself of the other sequence? -- Gary Campbell campbell%hpdmd48.BOI.HP.COM@hplabs.HP.COM (Bill Koppelmann) (08/28/90)
Index Number: 10011 Gary, I use jaws as well and felt that I also had to press the jaws key first before routing Jaws to pc, oh well. If you have any other tips that you might know of, please let me know. One that I can think of right off the top is how do you do a quick search of the screen? Please remember that I am a beginner at this and am relatively new at computing as well. As soon as I receive my money back from Omnichron, I expect to have a registered copy of Jaws 2. Bill K. -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!104!810!Bill.Koppelmann Internet: