[misc.handicap] Looking for travel funds

NRCGSH@ritvax.isc.rit.edu (Professor Norm Coombs) (09/04/90)

Index Number: 10049

[Note from Bill McGarry: Anyone out there have any ideas for Professor


I am taking a long shot in writing to you.  I submitted a paper
proposal for a conference on computers and the blind in Zurich
Switzerland this coming December.  I got accepted.  My college will
only put up about $500 towards the trip.  If I cannot find another
$500 or more, I don't think I can afford to go.  I would be
interested in learning what's happening in Europe realted to
computers and the blind.  I also suspect I could make contacts
there to reach Russia and Eastern Europe.  I think this is an ideal
time to influence those countries to begin including the blind in
their computer developments.

I don't expect you have access to funds, but I wonder if you can
suggest places for me to contact?  I am enclosiong the original
call for papers for your info.

   Subject:  2nd International Conference on
             Computers for Handicapped Persons
             (Zurich, Switzerland, December 3-5, 1990)

          Organized by:

          Schweizer Gesellschaft fuer Informatik (SGI)

          in cooperation with:

          Austrian Computer Society
          Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Informatik

                      INVITATION and CALL FOR PAPERS


No  two factors have more significantly promoted progress  in  rehabilita-
tion  and integration of handicapped persons during this past decade  than
the  rapid evolution of computer hardware and software together  with  the
increasing  availability  of  computers,  even for  personal  and  private


The First Conference on Computers for Handicapped Persons,  held in Vienna
in 1989,  was dedicated to the presentation and discussion of the state of
the  art.  It  will  be the aim of this second conference  to  update  the
information   about  R&D  in  the area  of  computer  and  microelectronic
applications and to offer prognosis for future trends.

(but are not restricted to)

- State of the art of computer use for handicapped persons

- Future outlook for computer applications in rehabilitation and  integra-

- Hardware and software for handicapped persons

- Microelectronic aids in rehabilitation

- Computers in special education of handicapped persons

- Impact  of  computer technology on the vocational  situation  of  handi-

- Computers, databases and telenetworks for information retrieval,  commu-
  nication and telecommunication used by (or for) handicapped  persons

- Social impact


The  exhibition will be held at the University of Z rich on  December  3-5
and will be open to delegates during the conference.

Those  companies wishing to register stands should contact the  exhibition

          Austrian Computer Society
          Wollzeile 1
          A-1010 VIENNA

          Phone: +43/1/512 02 35
            Fax: +43/1/513 77 35

Stands  are  available  at various prices (4 m2 at cost  of  AS  15.000,--
excl.   VAT,  10  m2 at cost of AS 25.000,--approx.).  There  are  several
attractive  further  possibilities to participate at the  exhibition  e.g.
advertisement  in the  final proceedings.  The Austrian  Computer  Society
will provide you with an extra exhibition booking package.


All papers should be written in  English and not exceed 10 double  spaced,
type-written  pages.  Four  copies  of the paper should  be  sent  to  the
Program Committee Chair:

  Dr. W. L. ZAGLER                        Tel: +43/1/58 8 01-3887
  Technical University of Vienna          Fax: +43/1/505 26 66
  Institute for Electronics               Telex: +47/75 31 18 98 ART A
  Gusshausstrasse 27/359/lB               Cumpuserve Information Service:
  A-1040 VIENNA                              User ID 73457, 1435
                                          UUCP: Internet:

Papers  will  be  judged  with respect to  their  scientific  quality  and
originality,  clarity  and practical soundness and to their  relevance  to
the  conference   topics.  Accepted papers will be published in  the  con-
ference proceedings.

In  order to meet the needs of our print handicapped  conference  partici-
pants,  we urgently request that,  if at all possible, an ASCII version of
your  paper  be made available to the Program Committee Chair  on  IBM/MS-
DOS diskette, together with the camera ready copy.

DEADLINES          Submission deadline:         June 1st, 1990
                   (2 page abstract or draft paper, 4 copies)

                   Notification of authors:     July 15th, 1990

                   Camera ready copies:         Sept. 30th, 1990
                   (+ MS-DOS diskettes)

For  blind  and  visually  impaired readers  a  diskette  version  of  the
conference  proceedings  containing  34 papers  presented  at  the  Vienna
meeting is available.


CHAIR:    Dr. Wolfgang L. Zagler (Technical Univ. Vienna)

CO CHAIR: Prof. Dr. R. Wagner (University Linz)

MEMBERS:  A. Arator, T. Vaspori, Ungarische Akademie der Wissenschaften
          F. Destombes, IBM France, Centre Scientifique
          J. Ekberg Technical Research Centre of Finland
          P.L. Emiliani, Ist. di Ricerca s. Onde Elettromagnetiche, Italy
          K. Fellbaum University of Berlin, Germany
          R. Gunzenh user, University of Stuttgart, Germany
          J. Halousek, Meta, CSFR
          K.M. Helle, Research Institute, Norway
          V. Henn, University of Zurich, Switzerland
          J. Klaus, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
          A. Lebizay, IBM European Support Center, Belgium
          J.I. Lindstrom, Handikappinstitutet, Vallingby, Sweden
          M. Martin, Royal National Institute for the Deaf, UK
          J. Muehlbacher, University of Linz, Austria
          H. J. Murphy, State University of California, USA
          H. Ohzu, Waseda, University Tokyo, Japan
          R. D. Owens, British Telecom Centre, Great Britain
          H. Rampacher, GI Bonn, Germany
          A. Schneider, Swiss Federation of the Blind, Switzerland
          M. Soede, Institute for Rehabilitation Research, Netherlands
          M. Somalvico, Dip. di Elettronica Politecnico di Milano, Italy
          M. Spaepen, University of Leuven, Belgium
          T.V. Steinbach, Tel Aviv, Israel
          A. Tjoa, University of Vienna, Austria
          A. Trugdeon, IBM UK, Great Britain


          Dr. W. Grafendorfer
          Mag. B. Hainschink
          W. Kremser
          Prof. H. Schauer
          Prof. A Min Tjoa

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Zurich

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