[misc.handicap] super henry

Jeff.Salzberg@f729.n106.z1.fidonet.org (Jeff Salzberg) (09/13/90)

Index Number: 10276

[This is from the Blink Talk Conference]

 SB> statistics regarding employment for the blind are dismal. I 
 SB> think that says something for "rehabilitation for the blind." 
 SB> In my opinion, they could do a much better job if they were 
 SB> truly dedicated to what theywere doing. It's too bad when one's

 Well, I obviously can't speak from personal experience, but I suspect
 that the problem is more complex than that; I am well-acquainted with
 two blind women who are both as "rehabilitated" as they could possibly
 be, and yet have great difficulty finding employment.  I suspect that,
 while there are obviosly some incompetent and ineffectual rehab
 counselors out there, the bigger problem is prejudice and ignorance
 amongst the great mass of sighted employers.

 I realize, too, that I'm not telling you anything you don't know.

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!106!729!Jeff.Salzberg
Internet: Jeff.Salzberg@f729.n106.z1.fidonet.org