Henry.Kasten@f10.n130.z1.fidonet.org (Henry Kasten) (09/21/90)
Index Number: 10584 [This is from the Blink Talk Conference] Hi Stew, Well, the Central Texas Methodist University, went well. I spoke about several ways they could assist the disabled in their community. In your message to me you said, "I have to make a presentation to the church board next month on how the church can best meet the needs of handicapped people, especially deaf and blind adults. My problem is that all the churches I have attended in this area have very few of either, so I often wonder what's the use talking about technology which could be helpful if nobody is there to take advantage of it." Stew that is exactly the point, why in the world would a deaf person go to a house of worship where they would sit in a world all their own, unable to participate, unable to follow the service and probably left out of classes and any social event. We can't wait for those people to come and then have everything adjust to them, the adjustments must be made before they get there. I hear all the time that we don't have any disabled people in our community, this is not true, we are out there, we just either can't get to the places where things are happening or even if we could get there, Go t to continue on the next message. -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!130!10!Henry.Kasten Internet: Henry.Kasten@f10.n130.z1.fidonet.org