(Marnie Dobbs) (10/13/90)
Index Number: 11099 It sounds like you are on the right track William. Awarness of learning disabilities and how they affect us is the first and foremost was as adults that we have to deal with them. I myself am dyslexic, and often feel "less than" others and embarrassed by this. However, the more I become aware I have been able to overcome and deal with this problem so that it is hardly discernable or disabling. In fact dealing with numbers which used to drive me crazy is now fun and interesting to me as a result. I would like to hear more about people who have difficulty with stimuli from the envirement. Our children suffer from this in great numbers. I would like toknow how adults deal with this. -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!125!7!Marnie.Dobbs Internet: