(Chris Brown) (10/10/90)
Index Number: 11034 I forgot to ask you the name of the doctor you mentioned who says more pople should know that immune responses are higher amongst psych patients. In many venues that's interpreted as a symptom of psychiatric illness. Articles indicating sensitivities (including autoimmune problems) can affect the central nervous system date back to the turn of the century. Doctors have heard about this...but they continue to slaughter poeple with sensitivities by denying their experience on the basis of an absence of information. Why? Who knows, but it's a real horror...especially for those psych patients with undiagnosed sensitivities as the cause of their problem, and who are surrounded by the twin enemies of ignorance and arrogance. But, to be's not any owrse than what a lot of people face with other disabilities. -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!163!223!Chris.Brown Internet: (Rusty Ferguson) (10/13/90)
Index Number: 11102 CB>I forgot to ask you the name of the doctor you mentioned who CB>says more pople should know that immune responses are higher His name is Dr. Ramesh (sp) Gupta. He once practiced at The Mao Clinic, which he likes to brag about, but I can't blame him for that, I probably would too. CB>enemies of ignorance and arrogance. I have run into that. CB>people face with other disabilities. No doubt about that. I've been really lucky in that two of my three Drs. are not arrogant. I even heard one of them tell a tech that he was sorry when she couldn't read his writting. Some docs would have torn her head off, he just said "sorry." I liked that! My other doc while a bit arrogant is good and the relationship between us seems to be improving. They are watching me close, with visits from two weeks to 1 month apart now. I feel that I'm getting the best medical care that I have ever received. This is all through an HMO, thus I feel like when a test is done it is necessary. -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!123!13.2!Rusty.Ferguson Internet: