Vixen@f11.n203.z1.fidonet.org (Vixen) (10/26/90)

Index Number: 11340

Hi James,

Well, I try not to be overly hard on anyone if I can, and I can
believe that the sponsors may truly feel they are trying to help
and do something good, I just feel they chose a raher poor way to
do it and a rather wasteful way as well.

During a time when the disabled person is coming into his or her
own and begining to win  rights and notice as productive and
contributing human beings despite our disabilities both visible and
non visible, how silly to waste such an amount of money in search
for a word that soneeone somewhere will think will "cover up" or
make "less visible" our physical limitations.

Just as many deaf people long ago begin to learn to be not only
accepting of their deafness, but to become proud people with no
desire to "hide their deafness", so now, is it time for people with
other disabilities to do the same.

Just as we wish people not to judge us or primarily focus their
attention on our disability(ies), neither is it right that our
disabilities should be cloaked behind walls of subsatnce nor walls
of words! (And believe me, I am one, as many here can tell you, who
believes in the power of words and labels, but within reason.) I
say, do not see only my disabilities, do not see me without my
disabilities, but rather, see the whole me, all that is me.

In fact, in many ways, I think it is important still, that society
see me, a vision/ hearing imapired person, and further see that I
do much the same things as most people. It is not necessary to have
two working eyes, two working ears, four working limbs or even a
body in motion to have a worthwhile and productive life.   I think
the time for looking for new words to help others "not see" our
disabilities, should be put down. I do not want anyone to not see
my disabilities, what I ask and strive for is that people see them
and then see beyond them. I feel this word contest is step back
into the days of hush talk about disability and is building a
closet made of words." So, I must still say nay, I think such a
contest is an offense.

But yes, I do accept that the sponsors have the right intention, it
is the method I take sharp exception to.  I am not one who desires
to hurt those who truly wish only to help, but sometimes methods do
become questionable.

Keepin' the faith!

.                        Karen

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!203!11!Vixen
Internet: Vixen@f11.n203.z1.fidonet.org