James.Womack@f14.n300.z1.fidonet.org (James Womack) (10/24/90)
Index Number: 11270 I read you gals' comments on that new word contest with interest. I think I am rather partial to Vixen's comment on the degrading view of it. When I posted it, I thought it was a good idea. i still do. The basic premise behind the contest was that this group felt that: 1. People looked too much at what they assumed disabled people could not do and not enough at what we "can" do. 2. People's attitude of focusing more on our disabilities rather than our abilities might change if theterm(s) used to describe us carried a more positive connotation. 3. A contest with such a significant prize might actually provoke people into actually re-thinking their presumptions about disabled people. I think the motivations for the contest were noble and not meant to degrade. I can see why you two could see it as degrading. I can even kind of agree with you on that. But, please be easy on the sponsors. they meant nothing but the best. Of course, it might have helped of they had consulted with how disabled people viewed the contest before sponsoring it, but they meant no harm. They meant well. Besides, having 50,000 pocket change isn't a bad idea. -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!300!14!James.Womack Internet: James.Womack@f14.n300.z1.fidonet.org
Ann.Parsons@f204.n260.z1.fidonet.org (Ann Parsons) (10/30/90)
Index Number: 11359 Hi James, Well, now, you've hit the nail on the head when you say that maybe they should have asked disabled persons what they thought of the whole issue. That, my dear James, is the crux of the whole issue! They went ahead with "good intentions" to *tell* *us* how we should call ourselves and how we should think about ourselves and how we would benefit from *their* *help*. This is the attitude which has *crippled* all of us. People who think they know best do things for us and we are the beneficiaries of misinformation, misdirected programs, wasted college degrees, dependent on the omniciant agency, and on and on and on. This is why I am so against this kind of Malarkiface. Malarkiface is a Parsonsism. it is a combination of Malarky and artifice. It means something which is made badly or artificially which is nonsense. The combination of nonsense and bad formation is awesome. It doesn't help. It sets us backward it doesn't allow us to move forward, it binds us not frees us. When will people stop looking at a person with a disability as a different entity? When will people begin to say, I want to get to know Ann, Vixen, James, etc, not The Blind, The deaf, the able bodied? Sorry, soap box put away. Excuse me folks, for my ranting but for God's sake!!!! Take care, see you on-line. Ann P. -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!260!204!Ann.Parsons Internet: Ann.Parsons@f204.n260.z1.fidonet.org