(Patrick Gormley) (11/05/90)
Index Number: 11531 [This is from the Blink Talk Conference] The other day I received a letter from Cathy Jackson program Coordinator of Kentucky Napub. The letter says: "Blazie Engineering has selected Kentucky napub's Braille Action Laboratory as the sole distributor of the users' "living with Braille'n speak." This three volume hard-copy braille edition contains complete descriptions of all commands and features including the latest powerful additions. This is the only braille edition that will be available before 1992. To order your copy send your check or money order in the amount of $35 payable to Kentucky Napub and send it to Braille Action Laboratory 358 Life Sciences Building University of Louisville Louisville, KY. 40292. -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!109!432!Patrick.Gormley Internet: