[misc.handicap] reply to msg. 20

Al.Silverberg@f8.n135.z1.fidonet.org (Al Silverberg) (11/21/90)

Index Number: 11954

[This is from the Rare Disease Conference]

Point 1 : Getting the word out. The way I found out what was available was a 
bulletin board on the ward at Johns Hopkins where my son was. I believe 
most hospitals have some such place where parents or others can get such 
information and would be pleased to either post or carry the information in a 
format that could be handed out to others. Information as to your profit free 
organization and list of BBS's would be a good starting point.
Point 2: Once the word is out, people who do have P.C.s need to use them to 
call local  BBS's and request them to carry the information they find out 
about in Point 1. A list of BBS's by State  and a request to call them and 
make sure they carry the message areas might be a good thing to include in 1 
Third: I would like more information about your non-profit organization. I 
still have a mailing list of families from when I was receiving the now 
defunct Organic Acidemia Association Newsletter and could pass on the 
information as to BBS's etc. 
    Thanks, Al

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!135!8!Al.Silverberg
Internet: Al.Silverberg@f8.n135.z1.fidonet.org