(Vixen) (08/14/90)
Index Number: 9818 [This is from the Blink Talk Conference] Hi Vicki, Well, I am a little disappointed to have to tell you that it looks like that no show for the August class might just show up afterall, and so, they are afraid to let me in that class. So, I will be going in September as originally planned, afterall. I went down and visited the school and was taken on an individual tour around the campus grounds and in the buildings by "Gina", one of the dog trainers. I met some nice people there and some of the puppies and dogs in training and also finally met Ray Underwood face to face for the first time. It was very interesting and I was pretty impressed with it all. "Silas", a Yellow lab in training walked with us and had lots of kisses for me. Gosh, it seems like every dog guide I have met so far, has just been a bundle of affection. Ray Underwood, explained to me that since it looked like the suspected August no show just might come afterall, that they were afraid to make the commitment of placing me for the August class. I can understand that and waiting until the September 15th class isn't all that far away anyway and it is certainly worth the wait anyway. Welll one thing, I sure feel eductaed about the school now and pretty much know what to expect when I get there. I am definitely looking forward to it and I am still very much excited! Keepin' the faith! . Vixen -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!203!11!Vixen Internet: (Vixen) (08/25/90)
Index Number: 9979 [This is from the Blink Talk Conference] Hi Vicki, Well, I know that September isn't really too far away, but to me, it seems like it is. Just a little anyway. But the days do seem to be flying right by and I know that I will be packing to leave before I know it. I went down to the school again and attended a graduation ceremony, just for the experience. It is a very emotional experience and some really neat things happened. Including one presentation of a monetary donation in the amount of twenty thousand dollars. Of course, experiencing the ceremony and touching some more doggies and buying a few School T shirts, has gotten me all that much more jazzed about going. I know it is going to really be a great experience! Keepin' the faith! . Vixen -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!203!11!Vixen Internet: (Grant Downey) (09/05/90)
Index Number: 10123 [This is from the Blink Talk Conference] Just wanted to stick my two cents worth in! I'm a twice Seeing Eye Graduate and had two dogs one which was a successful match. I cannot emphasize how important the match of the dog to master is. I believe that the match is what makes or breaks a team. When I get another dog I think I'll be going to San Rafiel though. Since some personel have changed at the Seeing Eye and as so many improvements have been made at San Rafiel that would be my choice! -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!381!9.0!Grant.Downey Internet: (Greg Mason) (09/13/90)
Index Number: 10274 [This is from the Blink Talk Conference] I am proud to say that I am a leader dog user. I have had very good experiences with their dogs. I do not feel one school is better than the other. I agree that it is really up to the dog user as to weather the dog is going to work our or not. I have seen good and bad from all schools. -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!203!11!Greg.Mason Internet: (Tom Gerhart) (09/14/90)
Index Number: 10384 [This is from the Blink Talk Conference] Hi Gairy, I think you made a good point about using a local mobility instructor in certain cases. I have also used a local dog trainer, who trains dogs for other handicapped people who are in wheel chairs. She was very helpful. Just a question for you and anyone else who wants to answer, what was the strangest thing your dog ever ate? tom G -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!273!715!Tom.Gerhart Internet: (Walter Siren ) (09/17/90)
Index Number: 10396 [This is from the Blink Talk Conference] DK> i aggree marda, but what was weird with me was that seeing eye asked DK> to mail back the harness with this last dog, i thought i paid for DK> that harness, oh well, i got free plane tickets and good pooches!! They asked us to do that also, but it was like if we had some we had no use for, that they could use them for training. It wasn't manditory. I guess we should change the subject line on here. I don't see what this has to do with Vixon. Walter -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!396!8.1!Walter.Siren. Internet: (Walter Siren ) (09/17/90)
Index Number: 10400 [This is from the Blink Talk Conference] VV> Hi Vicki, VV> VV> Yep, I had better start wearing those hush puppy shoes already and VV> get them even mor softened up. I hate feet blisters! Come to think of VV> it, I hate all blisters! VV> VV> Yep, time to go is getting nearer and nearer! Vixon, I am sure they told you to get use to getting in some walking excercise. Well, believe me, they are not kidding. I wish I had done a little more walking before I went to get my dog. I was use to standing on my feet all day behind a vending stand, but that was not like getting out and taking some good long walks. My ankles and feet were sure tired the first week I was there at seeing eye. I am sure it will be the same out there. Walter -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!396!8.1!Walter.Siren. Internet: (Marda Anderson) (09/19/90)
Index Number: 10446 [This is from the Blink Talk Conference] Well, I see nothing wrong with Seeing Eye asking that harnesses be returned. Chances are you wouldn't use the old harness on the new dog since it probably wouldn't fit right. They use those old harnesses for training too. Remember how you always got one soft, old harness to use while training and then near the end of the course you got the new one? Another reason they told me that they like the harnesses back rather than, say, being thrown away, is that they want to make sure the harnesses don't fall into the hands of someone who would misuse them. marda -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!393!2!Marda.Anderson Internet: (Vixen) (10/26/90)
Index Number: 11300 [This is from the Blink Talk Conference] Hi Donna, Well, Toby's first home leash relief took place in a pacthy area of both dirt and grass while I stood by with my trusty baggie in my hand. Toby had no trouble going though. In fact, he quite felxible about changes in his relief schedule. If he has to go, he will go, no matter how schedule me might be. I would like him to go on the asphalt or concrete here, but since this aprtment complex doesn't regularly water down such areas, I take him too that patchy area which is located right behind one of the complex trash bins, which makes it nice. I am hoping that the new complex I will be moving too will allow me a better and safer, meaning much closer to people, relief area. Our first week at home is going very well and toby is just flat amazing people with his excellent behaviour in public places and on the street. We have been to a number of resturaunts, grocery stores, pet stores, and all kinds of places and he does just excellently. Gosh, these dogs do some amazing things. As a new user, I am still amazed when he executes such commands as Find the elevator, find the stairs, or Forward follow someone. He has even done find the car in crowded parking lots. I am so thrilled with him right now. Does it ever wear off? Yes, I will admit, he does have a couple of negative tendencies now and then, like he will occasionally bump me, but one good correction and that is done with for the day and ocassionally he will decide he wants to walk slower than I do and start sniffing things until he gets a really strong Hop Up and that usually does the trick. But mostly, he is just awesome. I just can't get over it all yet. Plus he is so full of love and affection and so silly when he is not working. Although, very well behaved. Vixen definitely good a good one heheh! No, my class didn't make me nuts really. It was hard, the hours long and I thought the month would last the entire year at times, but it was quite an experience. There was laughter and tears and frustration and exhaustion and being ill now and then and a great deal of stress. but the outcome was well worth it all. The training was am superbly excellent. My instructors were terrific and I think I left the school feeling pretty confident for a beginner and armed me with a pretty good bag of tricks and instilled the idea in that if something isn't going right, go back to the basics. I have to admit that I was pretty much the class comedienne and I had a lot of fun. I also had a good class in that wwe were'nt all hating each other by the third week. I think that is partly because we had a classmate who insulted and angered anyone he could at any opportunity that it brought the rest of us closer together. He really shouldn't have even been in the program. He had only been blind a short time and his mobility was horrible and hept stepping on peoples dogs and bumping into everyone and everything and call people names. It was unreal. For those that know Mike Del Ross and how he wheels his chair up to the Louding Lounge and then the day room for lectures, will be pleased to know that our class was playing practical jokes by the end of the week and we snuck into his office and took the wheels off of his chair! It was a great experience Donna, although I super glad to home and on my own now and hope my Toby will be able to work with my for many many years! I will give Toby your hug because he just loves affection and attention! Keepin' the faith! . Vixen -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!203!11!Vixen Internet: (Vixen) (11/05/90)
Index Number: 11527 [This is from the Blink Talk Conference] Hi Greg, I think that Guides for the Blinds fetch command is strictly just for part of the dogs daily obediance and may have gone back to the days when the dogs were taught in some schools, to fetch an owners belongings. At any rate, we were taught that it was no big deal should the dog not want to fetch anymore. It doesn't seem to have any effect whatsoever on his work and I suspect he thinks fetch is playing since he likes to retrieve things when we are playing heheh. Keepin' the faith! . Vixen -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!203!11!Vixen Internet:
Sysop.* (Sysop *) (11/05/90)
Index Number: 11529 [This is from the Blink Talk Conference] Hi Greg, Yes Toby too, likes to play fetch and to jump and bounce and play tug of war with me. I have been having some considerable respiratory problems these last few days, so Toby has been on somewhat of a vacation. I think I am going to need to force myself to get him out to work a little though, so that he can use up some of the energy he has so much of! Things are going just fine though and Toby seems to have adjusted to his new surroundings and my schedule, just fine. He seems to be quite an adaptable puppy person! Thank goodness! Yes, I would say that my traveling has changed since switching from a cane to Toby the dog. As you know, I traveled quite well with a cane and I could have probably done fine for the rest of my life as a cane traveler. But having Toby, it is like moving up to a sports car from a good old reliable family car. With Toby, I can travel much faster and it is great to have his company and to talk to when I traveling around. Even when I have nowhere to go, with Toby around, it makes me want to take him out just for a walk around the neighborhood or to explore new crooks and crannies! I never particularly felt like it would be fun to take my cane for a walk for no reason! Yes, I have for a fact found that people do treat me differently and less like a blind person when I am out and around with my dog. Can you imagine, I have actually met people who did not realize that Toby was a guide dog and that I was blind, even with the dog in harness and me with my big dark glasses on! I really liked that. In general, I would say that people seem to be treating a bit more like any other person instead of a blind person. Of course, I have met a few rather weird people too, but for the most part, my experience with other people are in the positive. Toby is really super! Keepin' the faith! . Vixen -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!203!11!Sysop.* Internet: Sysop.* (Carla Campbell) (11/29/90)
Index Number: 12042 [This is from the Blink Talk Conference] Vixen, some time back (I'm just now doing some catching up!), you said: V> As a new user, I am still amazed when he executes such commands V> as Find the elevator, find the stairs, or Forward follow V> someone. He has even done find the car in crowded parking lots. V> I am so thrilled with him right now. Does it ever wear off? I would never pretend to speak for all dog guide users, but it has _never_ worn off for me, in all seven and a half years I've had Chance. There are days when I think he and I have both forgotten everything we ever learned, but each and every time he does something perfectly (and it's not at all rare, don't get me wrong!), I am amazed and gratified and very, very proud that this silly ol' pooch continues to do so well by me. It never really changes. I I got used to things, and perhaps take having his assistance for granted at times, but a perfectly executed elevator find, follow, crossing or lengthy 'stay' will still make me grin and ruffle the ol' doggie ears. I am so glad you finally got your dog, and that it is working out so well for you. Unfortunately, I got in late on this thread, so while I know his name, I did not get to see what breed of doglet Toby is. Please fill me in! Take care --Carla -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!129!89!Carla.Campbell Internet: