[misc.handicap] Deafies vs Hearies

GE0013@SIUCVMB.BITNET (Roy Miller) (12/01/90)

Index Number: 12065

Some time ago James Womack presented an excellent discussion of the
use of the words "deafie" and "hearie" by many deaf people (in
particular, members of the Deaf Culture).  I am a late-deafened
adult having lost all hearing at the age of 47.  As such, I culturally
still a hearing person, but physiologically (and more and more in
terms of communications mode) I am deaf.  I know that many
late-deafened view themselves as "neither fish nor fowl,"  lost
in limbo somewhere between two worlds.  I would be interested in
hearing more about how persons who are culturally Deaf think of
persons who are late-deaf.  Are we deafies or hearies or something

compton@ux1.lbl.gov (Stephen Compton) (12/03/90)

Index Number: 12131

Roy Miller asks how other late-deafened adults feel
vis-a-vis the hearing and the deaf.  
A large study of the psychological adjustments of
late-deafened adults is being conducted by Laurel Glass
and Holly Elliott of the Center for Deafness at the
University of California, San Francisco.  People who
have not already been interviewed by them may want to
contact the Center at:  3333 California St., 
San Francisco, CA 94143.