(Marda Anderson) (07/18/90)
Index Number: 9154 [This is from the Blink Talk Conference] I realize that I am jumping in here but I noticed your message asking about self-instruction for the guitar. There are several courses available. The NLS music section has a very good foundational course called, I think, "Don Hoffer's Guitar Method for the Blind". It starts off with extremely simple stuff for the novice. One thing I like about that method is that it has a "chord dictionary" which tells you specifically how to make numerous chords. It's especially helpful if you have xDP,a good ear and can figure out what chords you want but just don't know the mechanics of how to play them on the guitar. NLS also has some more advanced instructional cassettes dealing with various aspects of guitar playing. I would suggest that you write to them and request a catalog of their self-instruction courses. Their address is: Music Section National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped Washington, D.C. 20542 They also have an 800 number (800)424-8567 I think. If I'm wrong, you can get it from 800 information. Good luck with your playing. marda -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!321!150!Marda.Anderson Internet: (Marda Anderson) (07/18/90)
Index Number: 9159 [This is from the Blink Talk Conference] Forgot to mention in my previous message that if you're into classical guitar, there is a good method by Alfred, I think it's called "Alfred Adult Guitar Course", which is available from NLS in Braille. If you know Braille music and are interested in the classical approach, you might want to give that a try and also to ask them for a Braille catalog of guitar music. Good luck. marda -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!321!150!Marda.Anderson Internet: (Vixen) (07/18/90)
Index Number: 9166 [This is from the Blink Talk Conference] Hi Jerry, I noted in your message to Carl, that he was the first person you have met with the same cause of Blindness as yourself. I can understand that, since Juvenile Macular Degeneration is not very common. I thought I would let you know that you and Carl are not alone here though. Yep, there are at least three of us in this echo now. I also have early onset macular degeneration and have had it for about nine years and it is quite advanced. While I have met a few people who have the same diagnosis, I rarely meet anyone who has had it as long as I have. My vision is beyond 20/2400 in both eyes (which of course) makes me more than legally blind heheh. I do still have some useable peripheral vision and I am able to perceive light and colour, though the colour has to be close up and I see shape, even if fuzzy or blurred. I do travel with a long cane though and I am tentativley scheduled for a Septemeber class as San Rafael Guide dog school. I also have a degenerative hearing loss. I remember in the earlier stages of my blindness, when I was pretty much just print and distance blind, and they determined I had "early Mac degen" as they called it, all the Opthalmologists and retinal specialists I saw seemed to be having a field day poking and prodding and ruuning tests. I recall little things like being called a "rare bug" and things like that. Now I guess I am just a blind bug. How long have you had your Mac Degen and how far has your vision gone. The only friend I know out here who has Mac Degen can still see well enough to ride a bicycle and do things like that. Anyway, I just thought I would tell you hello and let you know there was someone here with heavy duty macular degeneration heheheheh! My docs said at my last exam that my poor macs looked like they belonged in an 87 year old lady and believe me, I have a long long long long long long way to go before I am that old!! Like you I do have some colour blindness, although I am not sure what kind, all I know is that when I could read colour test things, I used to fail. I am also very light senesitive as well. When I go out into sunlight my eyes hurt and force closed and it does not go away after I have been out for a few minutes, I must wear dark glasses in almost all bright light, even indoors. Also, outside light hurts me on those days when there is no sun at all, but it still glares. So, nope, see you are not alone, you are just part of a small club. HOw advanced or how long have you had Mac Degen? Keepin' the faith! . Vixen -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!203!11!Vixen Internet: (Bill Freads) (08/21/90)
Index Number: 9900 In a message to Bill Freads <08-14-90 22:45> Betty Draughon wrote: BD> BF> Howdy "Geezer", I'm back. BD> BD> Hooray and all that stuff! I missed you. Didn't BD>respond to your last message, 'cause you told me not to, BD>BUT if I'd known you were going to be back this soon, I could have. Well now, ain't it the way to go, did you really miss me? I said that I had to find a NEW hookup, I was hoping that it would have been sooner, but then, since I'm used to have thing do the way I used to do them, I can see that it will never be as reliable as when I ran the show, I would send Netmail all over the place, telling them where and what is wrong, I send all of the systems their exess money back when I stepped down as REC, I gave plenty of notice and made sure where they could get the mail, no such thing with this last Idiot, he gave all of 10 day's notice, he still hasn't send me MY overpayment ($10.00) back, he quit FidoNet and it looks like I will have to use Small Claims Court to get my money back... I know it's only $10.00, but it's the principle of the thing and I aim to get my money back because he was such a prick to begin with... while I'm at it... the NEW REC system is hooked into 13/13 REC and that system is about as unreliable as any that I have seen so far, these people don't take their responsibilities as serious as I did... I used to sit there as long as 36 hours to get the mail, but I got it, and that is where it is at, they want to be the big cheese, but don't give a damn about doing their job, then they say, "It's only a hobby!" well, hobby or not, I say "Do it right, or don't do it at all!" and I don't care if it is supposed to be only a hobby. BD> Gonna be shutting down my system on 17 August, and BD>probably won't bring it back up until after Labor Day. It Ahhh, does that mean you are still having problems... hmmm, since this is the 16'th of Aug. I wonder if you will get this missive before you go down... hope it is not too serious about the system and most of all, I hope it won't cost too much... BD> I've got somebody saving my mail for me, though, and Good, it's about time someone will help us old fogey's BD> Take care of yourself, you Old Farth! Ohh, I will Geezer, I will, I'll be damned if I let it get to me, after all, I'm having fun when I can be a miserable old bastard and make life somewhat miserable for the local populace... Cheers from the "Old Farth" -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!12!700!Bill.Freads Internet: (Karen Duffy) (09/18/90)
Index Number: 10429 [This is from the Silent Talk Conference] I'm a special education teacher, currently at the New England Center for Autism in Massachusetts. I use sign extensively in my teaching, as well as pictoral forms of communication... while I do have some nerve deafness myself, I function in the hearing world outside of work. My interests include science fiction and fantasy, music, computers, languages, biking, walking, the medical sciences, drawing, and writing. Elli -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!101!165!Karen.Duffy Internet: (Earl Appleby) (12/05/90)
Index Number: 12199 Hi, I'm Earl Appleby, Jr., co-founder of CURE. I say co-founder because my late father, Earl, Sr., was CURE's inspiration and true founder. Dad died this past September after LIVING nearly 10 years in coma. His courage demonstrated that "dignity" lies in life, especially, life against the odds. I write a column, "Vital Signs," for Human Life Report. The current one consists of my tribute to my father (and an update on an earlier column on the dangers of involuntary DNRs). You can find it in file area 26 (VITSIGN.ZIP). CURE is a nationwide network (like an ECHO?) offering practical and moral support to the infirm, impaired, and aged, endangered by euthanasia . . . hence, CURE (Citizens United Resisting Euthanasia). To find out more about us download CURE.ZIP in file area 26 or get in touch at: CURE; 812 Stephen St.; Berkeley Springs, WV 25411. You can call us day or night at 304-258-LIFE. (Feel free to give our number to those who may need it.) We're always ready to try and lend a hand. After all, as my Dad used to say, that's why God put us here in the first place. In the last place, let me thank Bill, the SysOp of Handicap News, and all of you for the privilege of making you acquaintance. Happy holidays, Earl P.S.--An interesting editorial about Social Security's continued discrimination against the disABLED (I like that spelling), this time, children can be found in file area 17 (SSDISAB.ZIP). -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!Earl.Appleby Internet: