[misc.handicap] Maryland budget cuts

Alan.Hess@f1000.n261.z1.fidonet.org (Alan Hess) (12/14/90)

Index Number: 12486

If anyone reading this echo in the state of Maryland has been told
that they will lose their state-paid attendant care due to the
governors budget cuts, please contact Bob Reuter at 301-327-6119.
There is a plan to file a lawsuit to stop the proposed cuts in
state aid, but a plaintiff is needed (thus far, we've found no one
who has been informed of an impending loss of care.)  This may be
due to agencies keeping the news quiet.  *adh*

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!261!1000!Alan.Hess
Internet: Alan.Hess@f1000.n261.z1.fidonet.org