Anne.Marie@f34.n129.z1.fidonet.org (Anne Marie) (12/21/90)

Index Number: 12546

[This is from the Chronic Pain Conference on Fidonet]

I have a few questions to ask here.  I have Crohn's disease and
have had it for 9 years.  I have only been in remission once and
that was for 6 months. I am currently taking Prednisone, 6MP,
Zantac, and Phenegran when needed for nausea.  I take tylenol #3 2x
a day to help control diahrrea.  I have about 9 feet of bowel
left.  I have been on hyper-al many times and this disease keeps
progressing.  Due to the length of time on the steriods, I now have
joint problems, combined with constant abdominal pain.  I have been
to a pain clinic twice and had trigger point injections and used a
tens unit, with no improvement.  My home health nurses suggested a
PCA pump w/morphine.  They said it will keep the pain under control
without sedation and it's set for you so you don't have to do
anything to it.  My doctor will not do it.  He said that this is
not the "textbook guidelines" used to treat this disease. I have
had 3 bowel obstructions in a row this summer.  Right now I am in
the midst of a acute flare-up and have had to increse my prednisone
back up to where I started.  I just can't get this disease under
control.  And I realize that I have to be hospitalized alot with IV
steriods and other drugs to get it to calm down and to control the
pain.  But how am I to keep going every day when I have so much
pain that sometimes I cannot do anything but lay on the couch with
a heating pad on my abdomen?  All I want is some relief, even if
it's only a little bit.  The nurse's have talked to him, but to no
avail. He's afraid I will become addicted and said this type of
pain control is only used in terminally ill people.  I don't know
who to turn to.  I have discussed it with him, gone to the pain
clinic and done eveything I can think of including visualzation
etc..........  How can I find someone who will give me the help I
need.  I am on total disability, and my dr said that I will never
be able to go back to work as this is a day to day disease. I don't
think he understands the pain, and I haven't even mentioned it to
him the last few months.  I see him 2x a month.  Does anyone have
any suggestions?  Anything!!!!!   I would like to enjoy my days and
get some sleep at night.  I think it is long over due.
Sorry for the long post, but I am really looking for help and
have been hesitant to ask for it.  I have been reading this
echo for a few weeks and have seen some helpful advice to
others.  I appreciate in advance any help anyone can give
me.     Thank you.
					  Anne Marie
 # Origin: Atlanta Medical Forum -- (404) 351-9757  (8:7301/204)

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!129!34!Anne.Marie
Internet: Anne.Marie@f34.n129.z1.fidonet.org

Peter.Baker@f129.n167.z1.fidonet.org (Peter Baker) (01/09/91)

Index Number: 12722

[This is from the Chronic Pain Conference on Fidonet]

Anne this is a reply to your cry for help on your pain I have
suffered with Chronic for 16 yrs before they put me on Morphine and
I am finally at a point where I am getting some relief.   That song
they sing of addiction and we only give it to terminal patients is
the largest a biggest bullshit farce in the world,if your in pain
and you not taking the medication to get high I am telling you it
is 99.9% impossible to get addicted to Morphine I must say if you
decided to stop using this med fast you would definatly have a few
problems,but its not meant to be stopped quickly.I at this time
will keep it short and too the point I have an article from a
medical journal written by the Dr that deals with my pain I would
like to send you a photo copy of this to give you something to
fight with OK the Dr. your seeing is wrong 100% and I can prove
it.I suffered many years because of the insanity of Dr.'s that I
think they think there GOD PLEASE let me help you I am getting
relief from the hideous pain I have suffered over the yrs and I
have the fighting materials that you need get in touch with me I
will send it as soon as I here from you I can even dload it if you
like OK.....

                                                             Peter Baker
P.S sorry about puncuation I was in a hurry OK!!!

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!167!129!Peter.Baker
Internet: Peter.Baker@f129.n167.z1.fidonet.org

Tony.Certo@f15.n363.z1.fidonet.org (Tony Certo) (01/09/91)

Index Number: 12724

[This is from the Chronic Pain Conference on Fidonet]

You would be well off to consult the Pain Specialists in Decator? GA.  
The pain center is headed by Steve Brenna and he and his staff are very 
good in pain management.  One solution might be an installed morphine 
pump for the spine.  This would beat the PCA in that there would be no IV 
in place or equipment to lug around.

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!363!15!Tony.Certo
Internet: Tony.Certo@f15.n363.z1.fidonet.org

Anne.Marie@f34.n129.z1.fidonet.org (Anne Marie) (01/17/91)

Index Number: 13012

Peter, thnaks for your reply.  I will call you by voice and give you my address.  I appreciate it very much.
                                              Take Care,
                                              Anne Marie
 # Origin: Atlanta Medical Forum -- (404) 351-9757  (8:7301/204)

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!129!34!Anne.Marie
Internet: Anne.Marie@f34.n129.z1.fidonet.org