[misc.handicap] turbobraille

David.Andrews@f89.n129.z1.fidonet.org (David Andrews) (02/13/90)

Index Number: 6764

At the risk of encurring the wrath of Usenet, here goes:
Now available, from KANSYS, Inc., Version 2.0 of Turbo Braille, a
Grade 2 braille translator for IBM and Compatible computers.
Version 2.0 offers the ability to accept as input WordPerfect 5.0
and WordStar Professional Versions 5.x files.  The program also
accepts as input ASCII text files and WordPerfect 4.2 and
WordStar 4.0 files.  The program performs formatting as well as
translation from all supported word processor files.In addition,
there is a powerful command language for more precise control of
Version 2.0 also fixes some minor translation bugs found in
previous versions and can now handle long lines, over 80
characters, such as those produced by spreadsheet programs.
The program is available in a demo version.  It will allow you to
translate to your heart's content, but will only print one page
at a time.  All braille printers are supported.  The program
sells for $195.00 through the end of February, when it is going
up to $249.00.
The demo, called TBRL20.ZIP is file requestable from BlinkLink,
129/89, or send me Net Mail to 129/89 or 115/778 and I will send
you a copy on disk.  For SYSOPS, you can also send me Net Mail
and I will send you a disk or upload it and our other programs to
your board.  
Happy translating.
David Andrews

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!129!89!David.Andrews
Internet: David.Andrews@f89.n129.z1.fidonet.org

David.Andrews@f89.n129.z1.fidonet.org (David Andrews) (03/23/90)

Index Number: 7269

 SW> David,  Does Turbo Braille have a dipner dot driver? 
No, Turbo Braille does not have a Dipner Dots driver.  If that is your interest,
I guess you will have to stick with Hot Dots.
David Andrews

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!129!89!David.Andrews
Internet: David.Andrews@f89.n129.z1.fidonet.org

David.Andrews@p0.f89.n129.z1.fidonet.org (David Andrews) (09/20/90)

Index Number: 10501

[This is from the Blink Talk Conference]

 TG> Hi David, 
 TG> What is the latest version of turbo braille and what changes  
 TG> are in the new version? tom G 
Tom,  We are up to version 2.54.  Most of the changes and refinements won't be
notices by users usually.  We have continued to correct translation errors as we
find them.  The table is up to 476 rules.  Version 1.0 had 403.  Recently we
have made it more bullet proof when handling multiple codes by WordPerfect, that
is multiple codes on a line.  Because the codes are normally hidden, people do
weird things without always realizing it.
We have recently added a command for doing interpoint braille page numbering and
added the termination line, used between magazine articles and also a dot
command to draw one or more lines across a page, to guide in folding letters.
We are now working on a memory-resident version called Auto Braille which should
be out later this fall.  It will intercept data sent by any program to the PRN
device, translate it and then send it out.
Take care...
David Andrews

... Your Sound Alternative

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!129!89.0!David.Andrews
Internet: David.Andrews@p0.f89.n129.z1.fidonet.org

Thomas.Belsan@f15.n114.z1.fidonet.org (Thomas Belsan) (09/27/90)

Index Number: 10665

Can you give me information about Turbo Braille.
What are is major advantages over other Braille programs?
What is its cost?


Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!114!15!Thomas.Belsan
Internet: Thomas.Belsan@f15.n114.z1.fidonet.org

David.Andrews@p0.f89.n129.z1.fidonet.org (David Andrews) (10/02/90)

Index Number: 10767

[This is from the Blink Talk Conference]

TB> I am a blind computer programmer in Phoenix.  I use 
 TB> Hot Dots and an Embose printer.  Turbo Braille 
 TB> sounds interesting.  I would like to find more information. 
 TB> Who sells it? 
 TB> Can I get some literature on the package? 
 TB> How much does it cost? 

I sell Turbo Braille.  It is from a company called KANSYS, Inc., of
which I am a partner.  The cost of the program is $249.00.  We do
have a demo available also.

Send me your address and I will get you a brochure and demo.  You
can send me Net Mail to either 115/778 or 129/89 or CompuServe,
72157,3547.  We will also be coming out with a memory-resident
version of the program later this fall, called Auto Braille.  Thus,
you will be able to print in braille from within most

David Andrews

... Your Sound Alternative

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!129!89.0!David.Andrews
Internet: David.Andrews@p0.f89.n129.z1.fidonet.org

Isaac.Obie@p0.f460.n101.z1.fidonet.org (Isaac Obie) (01/11/91)

Index Number: 12857

[This is from the Blink Talk Conference]

hi bonnie. turbobpraillecosts about $300. if you'd bought duxbury inthe 
first place, youwouldn't bebothering to buy another program now. keep 
inmind that technical support is paramount. a program without technical 
support is like an auto with nokeys. (do you teach word processing? like 
saywordperfect 5.0?) hope you have muchbetter luck next time. what made 
youdecide on the mboss 1? that's from human---no that's from vtech isn't 
it? they merged with tsi last year. hope you have excellent luck with 
it. have only readabout this one. it'ssupposed tobe good. you might want 
to ask one questionthough. does it waste a sheet of paper every time you 
turn it on? the versapoint doesn't. happy hunting bonnie.

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!101!460.0!Isaac.Obie
Internet: Isaac.Obie@p0.f460.n101.z1.fidonet.org

Steve.Bauer@f6.n291.z1.fidonet.org (Steve Bauer) (01/11/91)

Index Number: 12867

[This is from the Blink Talk Conference]

Bonnie, in discussing braille translators, I must say that the
technical support I have received from Duxbury has been outstanding.
No matter who you get, they ar always helpful.


Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!291!6!Steve.Bauer
Internet: Steve.Bauer@f6.n291.z1.fidonet.org

David.Andrews@f89.n129.z1.fidonet.org (David Andrews) (01/11/91)

Index Number: 12893

[This is from the Blink Talk Conference]

 BS> Hello David.  My name is Bonnie Snyder and I teach computer  
 BS> applications at the Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind.  
 BS>  I have received some messages recently in this echo extolling  
 BS>  the virtues of TurboBraille translation program and it was  
 BS>  recommended that I contact you for information about  
 BS>  TurboBraille.  
Bonnie,  The Price of Turbo Braille is $249.00.  We will also be coming out with
a memory-resident version called Auto Braille shortly.  It will cost $195.00 and
both versions can be had for $395.00.  There are demos of the program on a
number of boards, or I can send you one.
Send me Net Mail at 115/778 or 129/89 with your address, and I will send you a
David Andrews

... Your Sound Alternative

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!129!89!David.Andrews
Internet: David.Andrews@f89.n129.z1.fidonet.org

Grant.Downey@p0.f9.n381.z1.fidonet.org (Grant Downey) (01/11/91)

Index Number: 12901

[This is from the Blink Talk Conference]

I just ordered Ducksbury have had no previous experience with it and am 
wundering if the program comes with defaults that work prety wellor 
doyou have to fully configure the program.  I'd like some idea of what 
I'm getting myself into. Grant

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!381!9.0!Grant.Downey
Internet: Grant.Downey@p0.f9.n381.z1.fidonet.org

Bonnie.Snyder@f13.n128.z1.fidonet.org (Bonnie Snyder) (01/11/91)

Index Number: 12903

[This is from the Blink Talk Conference]

Hi Isaac!  I wish I had been in on the decision to purchase the braille 
translation software as I, too, would have gone for the Duxbury without 
hesitation.  Still don't know who ordered the NFBtrans, but it showed up in 
my mailbox one day and upon loading it, there was a message saying it was 
registered to our school. So, the bottom line here is to make do with what 
I've got!
The MBoss printer has been used quite extensively in our School for the 
Blind.  They are getting a Versapoint, so, with any kind of luck and a bit of 
horse trading, the computer lab (which is housed in a separate building and 
serves both the deaf and the blind population at our school) will inherit the 
MBoss.  I have been majorly impressed with that printer, and will be thrilled 
to get it.  It's a real workhorse.  
Yes, I do teach word processing.  I teach WordPerfect (5.0 is what we have 
now, but will be upgrading to 5.1 shortly), MicroSoft Word 5, PC-Write, and 
MicroSoft Works.  Also do some dBase (III+) and will be co-teaching with an 
expert in Lotus 1-2-3 (spreadsheet is not one of my strengths, so I'm hoping 
to learn alot from my co-teacher on this one).
So, tell me about you.  What kinds of things do you do with your computer and 
what kind of a setup do you have?

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!128!13!Bonnie.Snyder
Internet: Bonnie.Snyder@f13.n128.z1.fidonet.org

Grant.Downey@p0.f89.n129.z1.fidonet.org (Grant Downey) (01/15/91)

Index Number: 12941

[This is from the Blink Talk Conference]

Thanks Steve for the message.  I'll keep you informed.  I'll
tell you though those people at Enabling Technologies have
really beenhelpful.  I bought a Romeo Braille Printer from them
several years ago and had the same kind of service.  Jim Stanga
over there really knows his stuff. Thanks again for the
suggestions. Grant


Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!129!89.0!Grant.Downey
Internet: Grant.Downey@p0.f89.n129.z1.fidonet.org

Grant.Downey@p0.f89.n129.z1.fidonet.org (Grant Downey) (01/23/91)

Index Number: 13128

[This is from the Blink Talk Conference]

We are purchasing a Romeo Braille Printer and the Ducksbury
Translator primarely for training purposes and to put out
material for employees and uppon request locally from the
community.  I did purchase a binding machine so that whatever we
put out could be bound but we have no intention of going into
book making at least not right now.  In a message Al Hoffman
said what I have found to be very ture that the Romeo Brailers
can either be lemon or forever and it is best that if it doesn't
work right when you first receive the machine, ship it back and
request another one.  My goodness I'm becoming reminded of when
we purchased the Kurzweil Personal Reader.  I think I sent that
machine back at least a dozen times but it has been right ever
since. Grant


Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!129!89.0!Grant.Downey
Internet: Grant.Downey@p0.f89.n129.z1.fidonet.org