[misc.handicap] arkenstone

Debbie.Hazelton@f19.n369.z1.fidonet.org (Debbie Hazelton) (07/19/90)

Index Number: 9271

Ohay I'll admit that if someone said "Debbie, we want to buy you some
new equipment," my first choice would still be to receive an Arkenstone.
But I was not impressed with what I heard when the Company president was
using the Arkenstone to read my book.  Basically the machine did a fine
job.  But it missed a word or two.  What the man said was:  "You ought
to tell them to make the print a little darker!"  Excuse me?  Isn't it
the other way around?  I thought the equipment was to be continuously
improved so that it will work with the wide variety of material that is
currently out there.  My business sort of "radar" is perhaps mixed with
a bit more cynacism these days, and while I have usually been all too
eager to "get! get! get!" the latest thing, I find myself deciding to
sit back and wait for a few more bugs to get ironed out, and to see
where the real professionalism lies.  I was not impressed with that
response.  I'm going to run to my publisher, or any other and say
"Please make your print a little darker?  Nope.  I don't think so.

Deb Hazelton

[This is from the Blink Talk Conference]

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!369!19!Debbie.Hazelton
Internet: Debbie.Hazelton@f19.n369.z1.fidonet.org

Danny.Keys@p0.f5.n119.z1.fidonet.org (Danny Keys) (07/19/90)

Index Number: 9325

[This is from the Blink Talk Conference]

Good work!
I agree with you.
There is one little fact that we should remember. Their will probably 
never be a scanning system which is absolute perfect.  They claim that 
the system has about a 90 percent rate of reading correctly.  Even the 
Kurzweil makes loads of mistakes.
Even though it is slow, the optacon is still the best for now.
But if you have lots of things to scan, well, well,******
So, again, i agree with you.
Mabey, electronick eyes are next.  ha/ha/ha/ha.
If you have the money, that is!

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!119!5.0!Danny.Keys
Internet: Danny.Keys@p0.f5.n119.z1.fidonet.org

Debbie.Hazelton@f19.n369.z1.fidonet.org (Debbie Hazelton) (07/21/90)

Index Number: 9377

[This is from the Blink Talk Conference]

 > There is one little fact that we should remember. Their will probably 
 > never be a scanning system which is absolute perfect.  They claim that 
 > the system has about a 90 percent rate of reading correctly.  Even the 
 > Kurzweil makes loads of mistakes.

 Well yeah.  I have been hearing the the Arkenstone has been doing
 better than the Kurzweill for quite awhile, although there are some who
 still feel it is superior.  Nevertheless, it seems to me that these
 devices will yet be further improved.  It just takes time to get all
 the bugs out and to cover all the ways they need to be able to work for
 us.  I believe they will be improved upon.  Will they ever be perfect?
 Well I don't know, but I like to think they'll be much closer to that.

Deb Hazelton

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!369!19!Debbie.Hazelton
Internet: Debbie.Hazelton@f19.n369.z1.fidonet.org

Skip.Cook@f10.n130.z1.fidonet.org (Skip Cook) (08/12/90)

Index Number: 9772

[This is from the Blink Talk Conference]

Hi Les,
    I've got a few questions about the arkenstone reader; can it read 
almost anything, or is it particularly used for reading books and 
computer printouts, and can the system be configured for a packerd bell, 
xt clone; I'd appreciate any information you could give me about the 
arkenstone; and could you send me some information about the arkenstone, 
as well as a demo tape of the system, so I could get an idea of its 
speech abilities.  My name is Skip Cook, address, 5722 Black Oak Lane, 
Ft. Worth, Tx 76114.  Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
Don't try avoiding temptation, when you get older; it will avoid you.

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!130!10!Skip.Cook
Internet: Skip.Cook@f10.n130.z1.fidonet.org

Les.Barr@p0.f41.n147.z1.fidonet.org (Les Barr) (08/12/90)

Index Number: 9774

[This is from the Blink Talk Conference]

 SC-"Hi Les,
 SC-"    I've got a few questions about the arkenstone reader; can it read 
 SC-"almost anything, or is it particularly used for reading books and 
 SC-"computer printouts,

Hi Skip,

The ARKENSTONE OCR will not read handwritting or highly decorative
fonts (type styles)  However, the ARKENSTONE is documented reading
20,000 different machine fonts.  You may not be able to read your
friend's handwritting, but you can read things like:  phone bills;
bank statements; encyclopedia; dictionary; catelogues; etc.  (The
list goes on infinitum as you find more things to try.)  Most
ARKENSTONE Users find that it will read a majority of the items
they need to read on a daily basis.

 SC-"and can the system be configured for a packerd 
 SC-"bell, xt clone; I'd appreciate any information you could give me about 
 SC-"the arkenstone; and could you send me some information about the 
 SC-"arkenstone, as well as a demo tape of the system, so I could get an 
 SC-"idea of its speech abilities.  

The ARKENSTONE requires a 16 Bit Processor (AT 286 or a 386) in
order to operate.  However, if you want, most XT's can be upgraded
to a 286 (make certain you get a 16 Bit Bus with an upgrade!) and
the ARKENSTONE will operate correctly in these systems.  (Also make
certain you buy an upgrade that has the standard 8 MHZ BUS.  Some
of the cheaper computer systems run a 10 MHZ BUS, and the
ARKENSTONE has a hard time with non-standard computers such as

You can also get a reasonably priced 286 or 386 from American SITE,
Inc. and we are running an introductory special on a 12 MHZ 286
with 40 MB HD, 1.2 MB & 1.44 MB floppies with an ARTIC 210 Card
installed for 1735.00 + 25.00 shipping and handling.

As for the way the ARKENSTONE "sounds," it sounds like your voice
synthesizer.  This is one of the reasons that the ARKENSTONE is so
popular, as the user has the choice of which voice synthesizer and
screen reading softwares he/she likes.  (We have many customers
using everything from an Echo GP/PC with Verbal Operating System,
to Dectalk and JAWS or Flipper.  (And don't forget Vocal Eyes,
Provox, etc.)

You can also get into an ARKENSTONE for less than 2,395.00 which
includes an ARKENSTONE Model S, Hewlett Packard ScanJet, EasyScan
software, cables, manuals, one year warrentee, and thirty (30) day
money back garuntee.  (25.00 for shipping and handling.)  You can
purchase a part at a time, or the whole thing (computer and
ARKENSTONE) at once.  If you are interested in financing, give us a
call at (405) 364-9442.

Hope to send you the best reading machine in the world!


Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!147!41.0!Les.Barr
Internet: Les.Barr@p0.f41.n147.z1.fidonet.org

Ken.Jablonski@p0.f89.n129.z1.fidonet.org (Ken Jablonski) (10/05/90)

Index Number: 10897

[This is from the Blink Talk Conference]

I'll be working with the arkenstone reading system beginning in a 
couple of weeks and would appreciate any suggestions from current 
users. Thanks.

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!129!89.0!Ken.Jablonski
Internet: Ken.Jablonski@p0.f89.n129.z1.fidonet.org

Phil.Scovell@f810.n104.z1.fidonet.org (Phil Scovell) (12/05/90)

Index Number: 12296

[This is from the Blink Talk Conference]

Well, hello gang.  Haven't been around much lately but I see some new names 
on blinktalk so that's good to see.  Been busy with lots of things but one 
is learning to use my new Arkenstone.  I purchased the model S and the Jet 
Scan and although some things are a little more time consuming with the 
slower scanner, I am amazed at its capability.  The very first thing I 
scanned didn't work.  Strange!  Then I read some junk mail, envelopes, 
newsletters, and a business card.  Worked fine!  My first real day playing 
with it I read, for the first time, one of my ham radio manuals with no 
problems.  Then my wife asked how long she would have to wait to get her new 
microwave manual on disk.  I sat down and in about 90 minutes scanned a 31 
page manual.  It came out nearly perfect.  All this and I thus far haven't 
read one Arkenstone doc file.  Wonder what it'll do when I learn how to use 


Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!104!810!Phil.Scovell
Internet: Phil.Scovell@f810.n104.z1.fidonet.org

Walter.Siren@p18.f5.n396.z1.fidonet.org (Walter Siren) (12/05/90)

Index Number: 12309

[This is from the Blink Talk Conference]

 PS> Well, hello gang.  Haven't been around much lately 

     You sure haven't, I have been wondering what happened to you.  It is sure good to see you back on here.

 PS> is learning to use my new Arkenstone.  I purchased the model S and the Jet 
 PS> Scan and although some things are a little more time consuming with the 
 PS> slower scanner, I am amazed at its capability.  The very first thing I 
 PS> scanned didn't work.  Strange!  Then I read some junk mail, envelopes, 
 PS> newsletters, and a business card.  Worked fine!  My first real day playing 
 PS> with it I read, for the first time, one of my ham radio manuals with no 
 PS> problems.  Then my wife asked how long she would have to wait to get her 
 PS> new microwave manual on disk.  I sat down and in about 90 minutes scanned a 
 PS> 31 page manual.  It came out nearly perfect.  All this and I thus far 
 PS> haven't read one Arkenstone doc file.  Wonder what it'll do when I learn 
 PS> how to use it?

Well, Phil, I would say you don't need to read the docs.  I wish I
could say that I have been enjoying the same success.  Either
something is wrong, or I just don't get much good print.  You have
the same set-up that I have, but I keep thinking that I just have
to learn to use it better.  I have scanned some things without much
trouble, and some things I really wanted to scann, just did not
come out all right.   I guess I will just have to keep trying.

I know that some people say that they can pay their bills with it,
but I can't trust it that much yet.  I still have to use my opticon
to pay bills with, and read my bank statement.  I haven't given up
yet.  It does get discouraging sometime.


Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!396!5.18!Walter.Siren
Internet: Walter.Siren@p18.f5.n396.z1.fidonet.org

Phil.Scovell@f810.n104.z1.fidonet.org (Phil Scovell) (12/06/90)

Index Number: 12352

[This is from the Blink Talk Conference]

Hi Walter,

You are correct about paying bills with the Arkenstone.  I scanned my 
utility bill and it read it letter perfect.  I scanned my bank statement and 
it just simply wouldn't do it.  I did, however, make several changes in the 
settings and got it to read the bank statement pretty well but not as well 
as I would like.  There are many things it doesn't read well without 
fiddling with all the settings.  I've been trying to read my Dec-Talk manual 
but thus far I haven't found a single setting that will read that document. 
Arkenstone makes it easy since all their docs are on disk.  Why the Dec-Talk 
docs aren't on disk I'll never understand.  Good to hear from you again 
Walter.  Just been busy with other things lately so haven't been on as much.


Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!104!810!Phil.Scovell
Internet: Phil.Scovell@f810.n104.z1.fidonet.org

Pshon.Barrett@f103.n361.z1.fidonet.org (Pshon Barrett) (12/06/90)

Index Number: 12355

[This is from the Blink Talk Conference]

Hi, Phil, I am the co-editor of the Arkenstone User's Group Newsletter. 
You should get the next issue because Arkenstone is responsible for 
sending out the newsletter for this first year. Right now it is free to 
all who have systems.  Please send me a tape of your comments as a new 
user. I would like to put those in the newsletter. If you can possibly do 
it, I need it by mid December. My address is 4233 Roxbury Rd, Jackson, MS 
39211.  Thanks a million and if you need any help, let me know. I don't 
claim to be a t3ech, but I am a frequent user. I have Arkenstone at home 
and at work.

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!361!103!Pshon.Barrett
Internet: Pshon.Barrett@f103.n361.z1.fidonet.org

Phil.Scovell@f810.n104.z1.fidonet.org (Phil Scovell) (01/03/91)

Index Number: 12620

[This is from the Blink Talk Conference]

Hi Stu, good to hear from you again.

>congratulations onn your new arkenstone. What made you go
>for the S model instead of the model E? Was it economic, or did you
>decide that the advantages were outweighed by the cost.

Yes, it was money Stu.  Just couldn't afford the model E right now but I 
guess I can upgrade to it later.  Actually I could have gotten the model E 
but I chose to purchase the portable Dec-Talk at the same time and I am so 
glad I did, too. Of course the model S has some disadvantages but I have 
been able to work around them thus far.  I think people have under estimated 
the value of the model S quite frankly.  It's still a dandy machine even if 
you can't put the paper in backwards.


Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!104!810!Phil.Scovell
Internet: Phil.Scovell@f810.n104.z1.fidonet.org

Tandy.Way@f6.n377.z1.fidonet.org (Tandy Way) (02/05/91)

Index Number: 13400

[This is from the Blink Talk Conference]

since you keep your checkbook on computer so you have check numbers
dates and amounts why is it important that you read the amounts on the
statement. seems if you have a list of the cleared checks you would be
cooking. oh well.


Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!377!6!Tandy.Way
Internet: Tandy.Way@f6.n377.z1.fidonet.org

Walter.Siren@p18.f5.n396.z1.fidonet.org (Walter Siren) (02/05/91)

Index Number: 13407

[This is from the Blink Talk Conference]

 TW> since you keep your checkbook on computer so you have check numbers
 TW> dates and amounts why is it important that you read the amounts on the
 TW> statement. seems if you have a list of the cleared checks you would be
 TW> cooking. oh well.

There is just one problem with that, and that is, I am not perfect,
and I make mistakes.  I have been known to enter the wrong amount,
and I have been known to forget to enter an entry at all.  Then the
amounts come in handy when you are trying to balance and unbalanced
bank statement.

Btw, if the amounts are wrong, then what's to say that the check
numbers will be right.


Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!396!5.18!Walter.Siren
Internet: Walter.Siren@p18.f5.n396.z1.fidonet.org

Walter.Siren@p18.f5.n396.z1.fidonet.org (Walter Siren) (02/05/91)

Index Number: 13446

[This is from the Blink Talk Conference]

 GD> I'm quite disappointed that the Arkanstone representative wasn't able to
 GD> get here for our technology fair today because of the fact that Airport
 GD> Security would not let him through with his equipment.

     Well, I guess you can blame the war in the persion gulf for that one.

 GD> I'll be interested to
 GD> see what the OSCAR does, that is the reading machine from TSI. Grant

It really should not do any better than the arkenstone.  As I
understand it, it uses the same recognition system as the
arkenstone, it is just a little more friendly to opperate.  With
easy scan, and quick scan coming up, that will make the arkenstone
easy to opperate.


Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!396!5.18!Walter.Siren
Internet: Walter.Siren@p18.f5.n396.z1.fidonet.org

campbell%hpdmd48@hplabs.HP.COM (Gary Campbell) (02/06/91)

Index Number: 13522

Walter.Siren@p18.f5.n396.z1.fidonet.org (Walter Siren) says:
>I hope that it will be more qaccurat.  I don't care about the speed
>as much.  At this time I might be at a disadvantage, but right now,

I doubt it.  I think they are just redoing the front end software that
handles the interfacing.