(Paula Mack) (02/06/91)
Index Number: 13570 [This is from the Blink Talk Conference] Louis, I inadvertently deleted the message that I had saved from you concerning the calendar program. It is a pretty good one in terms of speech compatibility, but it doesn't display a calandar at all. You only get to see dates on which you have appointments. I did use to have another program such as the kind you mention which shows a calendar, and is a reminder as well, and it was called Datebook. However, i found that when I was rushing,I didn't want to take the time to highlight the day and all that stuff, because it wasn't that easy to tell what was highlighted. However, I was using Screentalk then, and it's much better with vocal-eyes. This calendar program prompts you for everything, so you don't have to think much when filling in appointments and such. It's all menu-driven, so it's good when you're rushing. However, it sounds like the one you're using is more like a true calendar program, so you might want to stay with it. Hope this helps a little. If not, ask me and I'll try to be more specific. paula * SM 1.05 *0017 * Don't press just *any Key!! -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!125!20!Paula.Mack Internet: