[misc.handicap] Big Computer Pals

DRZ@SJUVM.BITNET (Bob Zenhausern) (02/09/91)

Index Number: 13610

I want to speak about a Big Computer Pals, a Big Brother/Sister relationship
using the networks and aimed at children and adults with educational, sensory
and physical handicaps.  For example, a blind college student can act as a
Big Pal to a visually impaired elementary school child and impart knowledge
about the computer as the Great Equalizer and the wisdom of experience.
In the 3 weeks since I first posted a message about BCP I have received
responses from over 30 individudals from 15 states, as well as Canada and
Australia.  I welcome anyone who is interested in serving as a Big Pal or
as a source of Little Pals.  I have included the latest message which is
a summary of the individuals who have experessed interest in various areas
of disability.

Bob Zenhausern, Ph.D.      Compusererve: 72440.32@compuserve.com
Professor of Psychology          Bitnet: drz@sjuvm
St. John's University
SB 15 Marillac
Jamaica, NY 11439

A Jack of All Trades Looking for Masters

Pat Donoghue, my assistant here at St. John's, has compiled the list
of all those who have expressed an interest in Big Computer Pals.
I have been working at setting up a connection between IS 292 and
Anne Pemberton at the Nottoway school in VA and I have set pairs for
possible BCP connections.  If I use your userid rather than your
name, it is because I do not have that info from your message.  Right
now you are all included in a mail list, that I would like to formalize
into a List -- Bicompal@sjuvm   I plan to add all your names to the
list.  Let me know if this is a problem.
I have tried to match individuals according to their interests.  If
I have put you in the wrong category let me know.

In the area of reading disability the following people have expressed
interest by providing Big or Little Pals:

 Little Pals                         Big Pals
 apembert@vdoe386.vak12ed.edu        schilken@pittvms.bitnet
 Anne Pemberton   Virginia           Rege Schilken  Pittsburgh
 brion@vdoe386.vak12ed.edu           oquink@snybufva.bitnet
 Brenda Rion  Virginia               Karen O'Quin   Buffalo
 visgiles@ubvms.bitnet               sarek@brownvm.bitnet
 Dennis Golombek North Tonawanda NY  Garrett Fitzgerald  Rhode Island
 tgbrown@suvm.acs.syr.edu            fen00bhd@unccvm.bitnet
 Tom Brown  Syracuse                 Boyd Davis North Carolina
 jliu@uhccux.bitnet                  doane@ctstateu.bitnet
 Janette Liu  Hawaii                 Betsy Doane  Connecticut
 mooreg@@unsvax                      leavetdg@snyplava.bintet
 Robert Moore  Nevada                Darrell (Leavet?)  New York
 terrui@uhccux                       carson@darwin.ntu.edu.au
 Mark Terrui                         John Carson Australia
 ovasquez@weber.ucsd.edu             c464497@umcvmb
 Olga Vasquez   San Diego            Beth Christopher

 The following people have expressed interest in BCP and the visually

Little Pals                         Big Pals
jsdlg@alaska.bitnet                 zippy@sjuvm.bitnet
Dixie Justine  Alaska               Tzipporah BenAvraham  NYC
jwenrich@swvgs.vak12ed.edu          maorlows@occ.bitnet
John Wenrich                        Martin Orlowski  Michigan
                                    Norman Coombs Rochester

 The following people have expressed interest in BCP and the hearing

Little Pals                      Big Pals
barocas@umass.bitnet             rspitz@ucsd.bitnet
Susan Barocas Massachussets      Romy Spitz  California
cwebber@uncaedu                  cawdis@ritvax.bitnet
Charles Webber  Calgary          Corey Wilson  Rochester
                                 Andrew Gross Rhode Island
                                 David Ascher Rhode Island

There are other people who have expressed interest in BCP but it was
not clear what roles they wanted to play.  At least 3 individuals
were more technically oriented and I hope they will be able to help
in those areas.  Several people who are on the mailing list may have
specific preferences in the type of disability in which they are
interested, but have not specified them.  For example, Al and Carolyn
Asmus  (hscsala@umnhsnve and hscsckm@umnhsnve) are interested in
Little Pals from any category.

There is an old saying, "You can lead a networker to an address, but
you can't make them email". ;-)  I expect that we are creating a database
that can be used in the future, but it is important that we all know
the kinds of relationships that are forming, what problems arise, and
what new ideas are emerging.  I would expect the list to be operational
in a week (barring the unforseen), but in the meantime, send the info
to me and I will post it to all members.  I hope to hear from you all
very soon.

DRZ@SJUVM.bitnet (DRZ>Bob Zenhausern) (02/21/91)

Index Number: 13674

I just wanted to let everyone know that Big Computer Pals has a new list
called Bicompal located at sjuvm.bitnet  The list is devoted to creating
relationships between individuals with any kind of handicap in order that
the wisdom and experience of the Big Pals can accelerate the growth and
maturity of Little Pals.  Anyone who is willing to serve as a Big Pal
or who has Little Pals who would like someone older in whom to confide
should subscribe to the list by addressing an interactive or email
message to listserv@sjuvm.bitnet.  The message should read:
sub bicompal First_name Last_name.

Bob Zenhausern, Ph.D.        Compuserve: 72440.32@compuserve.com
Professor of Psychology          Bitnet: drz@sjuvm
St. John's University
SB 15 Marillac
Jamaica, NY 11439

          * A Jack of All Trades Looking for Masters *