[misc.handicap] deaf and speech-impaired BBS, teleconferences

lrk@hound.att.com (Leonard R Kasday) (02/09/91)

Index Number: 13603

I'd like to find out about bulletin boards focussing on concerns 
of deaf and/or speech-impaired individuals.  Also, real-time
TDD or computer teleconferences on the same topic (or transcripts
of those teleconferences).

I'll post whatever I get back on the newsgroup, of course.

Leonard R. Kasday
(AT&T-Bell Labs)

rbarth@tumtum.cs.umd.edu (Dick Barth) (02/21/91)

Index Number: 13677

In issue # 1832, lrk@hound.att.com (Leonard R Kasday) writes:

   I'd like to find out about bulletin boards focussing on concerns
   of deaf and/or speech-impaired individuals.  Also, real-time
   TDD or computer teleconferences on the same topic (or transcripts
   of those teleconferences).

My own BBS has been in operation for about 13 years now and has been
TDD-compatible for all that time.  Phone numbers follow in the .sig

On the BBS you will find, in the INFO area, two text files (B1 and B2)
that are, respectively, a list of BBSes that deal with disabilities,
and a list of BBSes (bedides my own) that accept TDD calls.

There are deafness-related echoes on Fidonet and we've recently heard
in this newsgroup about DEFTEK, a deafness-oriented network operating
out of Massachusetts.

Does anybody know if DEAFNET is still alive on Sprint?

Richard Barth, W3HWN,  rbarth@tumtum.cs.umd.edu
Handicapped Educational Exchange... (301) 593-7033 (TDD & 300 baud ASCII)
                                    (301) 593-7357 (300/1200 baud, 8N1)