[net.columbia] STS-4 Questions

ralph (07/06/82)

	Columbia and crew did it once again!!!! Great!!!!!
However, was it just  my imagination or was the network news coverage
poorer this time around? I'm not only referring to the landing but
it seemed to me that I could find very little information about the 
flight on either the morning or evening news.
	Question two, has anybody read the report the President was
talking about at the landing? Is there anything really meaningful in
that report? I heard a lot of words with the right sounds to them
but he could have picked them up by reading one L-5 News or the
jacket to the High Frontier. He seemed to stop short of making any
commitment. So, what is the story, is he going to back a sound
space program or our we being given the shaft again?

	It sure was nice seeing three shuttles together in one
place. Made Edwards look like a for real space port.
                            BTL Indianapolis