(Steven Oppenheimer) (03/12/91)
Index Number: 13895 [This is from the Spinal Injury Conference] **** In Search Of a BOOK REVIEWER **** Hello. My name is Steven Oppenheimer. I am an able-bodied writer, and I have written a novel about a young woman who is a paraplegic. I am seeking someone to review the novel, someone who can provide both feedback on the technical accuracy, and on the feelings and moods of the main character. The novel is called "The Diamond Drug." While I don't want to synopsize the whole plot here, I can give an overall idea of the issues it deals with. The theme is the desire people often have to find a miraculous solution to their problems. The story has a multitude of supporting characters. Most of them do not have any kind of physical or medical disability, but they have general life problems - family, career, relationship - and they are struggling in the oddest ways to make those problems disappear. The main character is a twenty year old woman who was very athletic, and suffered a spinal cord injury during a horseback competition at the age of sixteen. She has never accepted it. She is angry, and desperate to find a medical cure. When her efforts are frustrated, she - well, how can I say this? Let's say, she does not deal with it gracefully. Although the story is fairly serious, it's got its lighter moments, some humor and adventure and romance. I am currently hustling to get it published. At the same time, I'm seeking feedback to help me improve it. The ideal reviewer would meet a few criteria: 1. She would be a she. I'd like to hear a woman's perspective. 2. She would be a paraplegic. I've already had the novel read by a woman who is a quadraplegic. This individual provided some very valuable feedback, but I'd like to involve someone whose situation is closer to that of my main character. 3. Less important - but it would be nice to have a reviewer who was not too far from the age of the main character. If you are in your late teens through early thirties, that would probably be the best. If you are interested, please leave a message here, or call me at (301) 654-0170. I thank you in advance for your interest and support. P.S. If you know of anyone else who might be interested, or if you know of another BBS oriented towards disability, please feel free to pass on the message. -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!109!304!Steven.Oppenheimer Internet: