David.Andrews@f778.n115.z1.fidonet.org (David Andrews) (01/15/91)
Index Number: 12969 [This is from the Blink Talk Conference] Jeff, There are over 50,000 NFB members nationwide, so expulsion is certyainly not as widespread as you would have us believe. Yes, there are people who have been expelled. There is a point at which dissention is not tolerated. If I were in charge I suppose that this point would be a little higher then it is, but it is a judgment call. We havealways had a strong leadership. It is why we also get a lot done, and have such committed members. You choose to see us as mindless goose stepping automotons, but it just isn;'t so., As a sighted person, why do you have it in so for the NFB? The NFB has moderated many of its stands over the past five years and has put a lot of effort into establishing better relations with organizations such as AFB. We have participated heaviny in what is being called the "Joint Organizational Effort" which is meetings between NFB, AFB, ACB, AERBVI, NLS, Canadian orghanizations etc. However, you and others seem to have made up your minds that we are bad evil people and everything we do is automatically wrong. As you have the right to say and think what you will, so do we. We can run our organization in the way in which we choose. If it is wrong, then a mass exodus of memberrs will tell us so. We haven't seen that since the NFB ACB split in the early 1960s, and more stayed then left. David Andrews -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!115!778!David.Andrews Internet: David.Andrews@f778.n115.z1.fidonet.org
Jeff.Hawkinson@f778.n115.z1.fidonet.org (Jeff Hawkinson) (03/14/91)
Index Number: 13911 [This is from the Blink Talk Conference] Now I think it's time to cut out the subject of NFB Expulsion, since most of us on th is echo are tired of hearing about this problem. We are entitled to our opinions (pr o or con) what ever it may be. This is a democratic society and each and everyone of us has a right to express our opinions, even though they may not be the same as your s. What ever I share are my ouw opinions and not the opinion of the American Council of the Blind (ACB). I will agree with you that the NFB and ACB do have different vi ews of issues, BUT we all are here to make life better for the blind and visually imp ared. Now and old saying comes to mind, "If it's too hot in the Kitchen, then you be tter get out. In other words if you can't take the heat from us, get off the board. Now I think it's time to cut out the subject of NFB Expulsion, since most of us on t his echo are tired of hearing about this problem. We are entitled to our opinions (p ro or con) what ever it may be. This is a democratic society and each and everyone o f us has a right to express our opinions, even though they may not be the same as you rs. What ever I share are my ouw opinions and not the opinion of the American Counci l of the Blind (ACB). I will agree with you that the NFB and ACB do have different v iews of issues, BUT we all are here to make life better for the blind and visually im pared. Now and old saying comes to mind, "If it's too hot in the Kitchen, then you b etter get out. In other words if you can't take the heat from us, get off the board. Now I think it's time to cut out the subject of NFB Expulsion, since most of us on this echo are tired of hearing about this problem. We are entitled to our opinions ( pro or con) what ever it may be. This is a democratic society and each and everyone of us has a right to express our opinions, even though they may not be the same as yo urs. What ever I share are my ouw opinions and not the opinion of the American Counc il of the Blind (ACB). I will agree with you that the NFB and ACB do have different views of issues, BUT we all are here to make life better for the blind and visually i mpared. Now and old saying comes to mind, "If it's too hot in the Kitchen, then you better get out. In other words if you can't take the heat from us, get off the board -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!115!778!Jeff.Hawkinson Internet: Jeff.Hawkinson@f778.n115.z1.fidonet.org