(Ann Stalnaker) (03/12/91)
Index Number: 13875 [This is from the Silent Talk Conference] I received a phone call tonight at approximately 6:50 PM from a friend who is a state employee of Oklahoma informing me that CNN would be closed captioning their news coverage at 7PM CST (8 PM EST) tonight. I hurriedly ran into my living room to switch over to CNN. It was amazing to see what a SUPERENDOUS job they were doing for a first time test. I was also informed that WTBS is going to start captioning their news coverage, however, I did not get the specifics as to when they would start or whether it would be on a daily basis at this time. Perhaps our letters have made a difference. I think it would be very appropriate if we all wrote letters to both networks commending them for the outstanding job as well as showing our appreciation for providing this service to us. Stay tuned for Film at 11 for further details. -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!385!14.0!Ann.Stalnaker Internet: (Ann Stalnaker) (03/21/91)
Index Number: 14086 > Ya, good idea to write them and hurrah for CNN! I have > not noticed it > here in the west coast. Hmm, anybody got address to it? CNN is nationwide, I believe and the following is the address: CNN CNN Center Atlanta, GA 30348 -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!385!14.0!Ann.Stalnaker Internet: