[misc.handicap] Posting March 4th Meeting

Ann.Stalnaker@p0.f14.n385.z1.fidonet.org (Ann Stalnaker) (03/23/91)

Index Number: 14146

[This is from the Silent Talk Conference]

Are you aware that all of the regional Bell phone companies are
printing TDD/Voice or just plain TDD beside phone numbers in their
directories?  Of course, you have to notify them if you want this
listed in the directory but it's free of charge.

The same goes for computer data lines.  You can also request that
your numbers not be listed in the phone book (this is not considered
unlisted or unpublished) but made available upon request from the

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!385!14.0!Ann.Stalnaker
Internet: Ann.Stalnaker@p0.f14.n385.z1.fidonet.org