[misc.handicap] Genetic Engineering?

wtm@bunker.uucp (Bill McGarry) (02/21/91)

Index Number: 13669

[This was originally posted by Todd Elliot (11TELLIOT@GALLUA).]

Date sent:  15-FEB-1991 11:16:27
This was orignally posted on WHATSUP3, a public conference at Gallaudet
University. It has been wholly unedited in any way. Any comments?

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                    -< WHATSUP3, Granddaughter of WHATSUP >-
Note 325.0                   Deaf Community- Dying?                    5 replies
GALLUA::11TELLIOTT "Profile Under Construction"      37 lines   7-OCT-1990 02:23
    The deaf community always had a foe: Paternalism. Now it has another
    foe: What is it?

    Science and Technology. To be more specific:

    DNA Engineering. Read on...

    Now, the technology is increading rapidly and what happens if a young
    Dr. Salk discovers the DNA genetic link that causes deafness and
    isolates it? Think of the implications- Many hearing parents *will* opt
    for that recourse as their hopes to get their children hearing. And- if
    they are unborn, then a little of genetic twiddling is needed to make
    it hearing. This reduces the deaf population significantly. It will
    come to a point where only the deaf parents will continue to produce
    deaf children. And not all deaf parents produce deaf children- some
    have hearing children. Then, deafness will reach its last gasp in a
    couple of centuries. In essence, we are truly the last of the mohicans
    and will witness the dying of the deaf community when we are in our
    70's and 80's. But- there's a way of preventing that:

    Pass a law banning DNA research *now* regarding the DNA chromosomes
    suspected to have the trait of deafness. But it poses a question: Is
    the right of a culture (read: deaf) to exist precedes the right of a
    mother/father to have a child free of any disabilities (read: The
    inability to hear)? But- DNA isn't the only enemy. There are
    medications that remove the effectiveness of rubella symptoms. (Rubella
    is a major cause of deafness. The last explosion was in 1964-68. When's
    the next one? Never, methinks.) Spinal menegitis can be performed with
    surgical precision that won't jeopardize the hearing ability. So in a

    Do you think the Deaf community of today is truly the last of the
    Mohicans? Do you really think the Deaf community will last forever? Or
    will Gallaudet University become a museum, bearing silent testimony to
    a grand, vibrant culture of eons past? What's your opinions, and better
    yet- solutions to this science explosion which is killing us.
                                                Todd Elliott
Note 325.1                   Deaf Community- Dying?                       1 of 5
GALLUA::11RVORECK                                    15 lines   7-OCT-1990 04:41
                               -< True but.... >-
    Elliot raises some good points. It IS possible that genetic engineering
    can eventually result in deafness being banished from the face of the
    earth. But why ban such engineering? Admittedly, deafness IS the loss
    of hearing which signifies an incomplete "wholeness" of the human
    body and I'm sure that a majority of deaf parents would opt for such
    "tampering" in order to make their kids "normal" (Now, don't assume
    that I say that being deaf is not normal...I'm speaking from a
    universal viewpoint.)
        It'd only be a lie if people say that they wouldn't go for such
    genetic alteration if their kids had the possiblity of having Downs',
    MS...or even deafness. But then, there ARE those people who would
    rather let nature decides its' course...they'd only be a small majority
    though. Technology has influenced us so much to the point that we would
    eventually see genetic engineering as a normal thing to indulge in.

Note 325.2                   Deaf Community- Dying?                       2 of 5
GALLUA::CADS_COLE "Kevin Cole (Flatline)"            27 lines  17-OCT-1990 10:36
                      -< Ban DNA gengineering?  No way! >-

   I think there have been several instances where Christian Scientists have
   been held responsible for the death of their own children because they
   refused to allow the medical community to "interfere with God's will".

   At what point does it become legitimate to refuse treatment?  More and more
   people consider living wills, and death with dignity to be an individual
   right...  But who's making the decision for whom here?

   Another couple of question:  How many hearing children would have preferred
   to be born deaf?  How many deaf children would have preferred to be born
   hearing?  I think you'll find more in the second group than the first.

   Personally, I don't think you'll be able to hold back the technology.  For
   better or worse, people want the ability to chart their own destinies and
   the destinies of their offspring.  Leaving the deafness issue alone for a
   minute, don't you think deaf parents might want to choose the hair color,
   sex, eye color, etc. of their child?  I'm sure that some (maybe not the
   majority, but a healthy percentage) will want to know that they have the

   And what about other stuff like blindness, CP, etc.  Many people who are
   blind would probably tell you they are not in any way disabled, impaired or
   handicapped.  So, if the doctors told you your child would be born blind
   unless they did some tinkering with the DNA, what would you choose to do?
   The decision is probably going to be based on whether or not YOU personally
   believe blindness is an impairment.
Note 325.3                   Deaf Community- Dying?                       3 of 5
GALLUB::TRHARRINGTON                                 14 lines   9-NOV-1990 19:02
                    -< It wouldn't eliminate all deafness. >-
    Genetic engineering would NOT eliminate all deafness...only the
    hereditary type.  Deafness would still result from such things as
    disease or physical trauma.

    Genetic engineering could eliminate deaf families, where the kids
    inherit and perpetuate their parents' deafness.  In this respect,
    "genegineering" could be viewed as the modern-day equivalent of
    Alexander Graham Bell's crusade to eliminate hereditary deafness
    through banning marriage between deaf persons.

    Would the elimination of hereditary deafness have a profound impact on
    deaf culture?  The answer to that depends on the ratio of
    hereditary-deaf people vs. those deaf from other etiologies.  I don't
    know what that ratio is today.
Note 325.4                   Deaf Community- Dying?                       4 of 5
GALLUA::11MMURTHA "Marsa"                            13 lines  11-NOV-1990 05:35
              -< genetic Deafness and unknown cause in deafness. >-
    If the deaf people who did not inherit their deafness was to marry
    other of the same deafness.. that is that it is not genetic to either
    of them,  then the children born by them will be hearing. That is my
    opinion.  I am of this category and I think that unless the people who
    inherit deafness intermarriage with the deaf people who happen to be
    deaf by unknown cause, then there can not be any more deaf children.
    So, genetic engineering may be bad in the sense for genetic deafness
    but might be good for other types.  Still there is still the risk of
    the deaf culture and population dying down unless there is a way to
    preserve it.


Note 325.5                   Deaf Community- Dying?                       5 of 5
GALLUA::11AGREGG                                      9 lines  21-NOV-1990 13:51
                    -< My mommy is a private interpreter. >-

    Yeah...it'll be dead far more soon than what we had expected.
    There are even mothers, who are interpreters, interpreting for
    their deaf kid. One example is my mom. So, signing mothers are
    beginning to send their deaf kid to public schools. That way is
    reducing the number of deaf organizations...into deaf organization
    taken care by hearing people. We are facing this consequence nowadays.

                                                 ^    ^
 Todd Elliott                                   /  / 
 11TELLIOTT@GALLUA                            /.  /         |/___\|
                                            / / |        __\  O  O/
      Professional Student                /  /  |       _/\  /     /
       Currently Studying               /   /   |       _/\    '@___@
          At Gallaudet                /    /    |      _/\       |
           University               /     /     |      /\        |
                                  /_     /      |       /  )   / _|_
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      _-^   `-^  .`             ~- _             \   c    >..----.///
      ~-.   ,--~                     ~ - - - - ^}_ _ _ _ _ _ _.-///

StEpHeN.wHiTe@p1.f853.n681.z3.fidonet.org (StEpHeN wHiTe) (04/04/91)

Index Number: 14617

[This is from the Silent Talk Conference]

 BM> It will come to a point where only the deaf parents will continue
 BM> to produce deaf children. And not all deaf parents produce deaf
 BM> children- some have hearing children. Then, deafness will reach
 BM> its last gasp in a couple of centuries. In essence, we are truly
 BM> the last of the mohicans and will witness the dying of the deaf
 BM> community when we are in our 70's and 80's. But- there's a way of
 BM> preventing that:

This isn't going to make me popular, but I think this stuff about "deaf culture" is rather much an attempt to glorify the unique adaptions deaf people have made to cope with life.

Talking about the "threat to deaf culture" is basically saying that deaf cultist wish to have children born deaf to serve their own selfish desires. They do not want their culture to disappear as they grow older, since this will leave them in the cold.

What about the CP culture, the blind culture, the leprosy culture? All of these cultists will want their children born handicapped/crippled just to prolong their way of life.

Sure, the deaf culture is vibrant, active, expanding, proud and self-sufficient. It is one of a kind, and fascinating. But make no mistake - the reason it exists is to let deaf people be with their own kind.

Without deaf people, there is no need for a deaf culture.

This all comes down to _one_ salient point. Is it better to be deaf?

In my opinion, the answer is no.

The reward that a deaf person feels when joining other deaf people is _comparitive_. They feel so overjoyed because of long years of social deprivation. They are so dedicated to deaf culture because it is really all they have.

There is a far bigger world out there. I won't be able to participate with that world to its full extent, but I'm not going to try and stop my children from doing what I can't.

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!3!681!853.1!StEpHeN.wHiTe
Internet: StEpHeN.wHiTe@p1.f853.n681.z3.fidonet.org