[misc.handicap] Synthesizers

Eric.Bohlman@p1.f778.n115.z1.fidonet.org (Eric Bohlman) (04/12/91)

Index Number: 14800

[This is from the Blink Talk Conference]

 GF> with it. I have been writing a program to say keys as I type them for
 GF> use with an echo speech synthesizer But it hangs the system. I am
 GF> hoping to get a better speech card synthisizer for it. This driver is
 GF> extremely large! Hmm Maybe I can change it. I can read my screen most

I take it you're using the internal Echo card with Textalker, which is rather
large and slow.  I suggest you check out the Doubletalk PC from RC systems.
It's an internal card with speech quality about as good as a Dectalk and all
the translation is done by an on-board processor (you just output characters
to a hardware I/O port, and the board does the rest).  For all this, you pay a
whopping $279.

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!115!778.1!Eric.Bohlman
Internet: Eric.Bohlman@p1.f778.n115.z1.fidonet.org