Tandy.Way@f6.n377.z1.fidonet.org (Tandy Way) (04/13/91)
Index Number: 14857 [This is from the Blink Talk Conference] unfortunately mat memory consumption is the only thing v.o.s. has going for it but its lack of keeping up with programing changes far over rides that consideration. flipper takes up 54 k and vocal eyes around the same but they do one hundred percent more than v.o.s. the real problem is the author doesn't want to hear about applications problems. his standard reply is that it is never his software that is the problem, it is the user or the equipment. I like willie bought the program and once a year I spend thirty dollars for an update and so far I haven't been tempted to come back to vos from flipper or vocal eyes ... -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!377!6!Tandy.Way Internet: Tandy.Way@f6.n377.z1.fidonet.org