James.Womack@f14.n300.z1.fidonet.org (James Womack) (04/17/91)
Index Number: 15016 [This is from the Silent Talk Conference] I had a very educational and useful exchange with the sysop of the BBS I post from. I wish to ask you and anyone else who cares to comment; a question: I have recently began uploading research data, lectures, etc. If you or any echo users feel they are too lengthy, too boring, too provocative, or are useful, informative, helpful or whatever, let me know. Your responses will dictate whether I will continue the uploads. I only recently received the ASCII files to these topics which I have been after for some time. People on Silent Talk have in the past asked about this kind of info. Others via netmail and on other BBS' I roam about have also. However, I seek to be certain the uploading is acceptable and received in the spirit it is being shared. Mainly, to inform those who have asked about it in the past and to provide info on recent research and other such data relevant to deaf topics. So let me know if the uploads are beneficial or not. The files I have are mostly documents of some length by researchers and/or lecturers whom I have contact with on a fairly regular basis. I once experimented with taking pieces out of the documents and they read kind of funny being out of context and all. However, one of the things I have just learned is that long uploaded messages requiring sequential uploading can have the appearance of domninating the echo. That's unintentional and I see the need to avoid doing just that if it is indeed perceived that way. -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!300!14!James.Womack Internet: James.Womack@f14.n300.z1.fidonet.org
Jack.O'keeffe@f26.n129.z1.fidonet.org (Jack O'keeffe) (04/17/91)
Index Number: 15017 [This is from the Silent Talk Conference] JW> I wish to ask you and anyone else who cares to comment a question: James, I did see the one series of 13 that was received here. It was interesting, but I don't think this echo is the appropriate way to distribute such voluminous material. Transmission of this echo east to London, north to Canada, and west to Australia and Hong Kong costs some folks a heap of money. They might opt to drop SilentTalk rather than pay for gratuitous transmission of such lengthy text files. Is that what you want to happen? And BBSs do not have infinite disk space to store such articles. They will rapidly scroll into the bitbucket and be lost forever. Size limits were placed on messages for a good reason. Segmenting messages as you are doing is a way to "beat the system", but at least one BBS I'm aware of does not tolerate this and simply tosses such stuff directly in the bitbucket. Likewise, people who are reading on-line can become quite upset upon encountering lengthy files chopped up and posted in an echo. A suggestion. Why not upload your files to Emerald Isle in an archive format, then post a message here in SilentTalk giving the file name and a BRIEF description of the content? This way anyone who is interested can Freq them and you will not be creating problems for all others. Another suggestion. If Emerald Isle isn't able to give you all the storage needed, archive them on a disk and supply them to anyone interested who sends you a formatted disk and a self-addressed stamped mailer. JW> I have just learned is that long uploaded messages requiring JW> sequential uploading can have the appearance of domninating JW> the echo. That's unintentional and I see the need to avoid JW> doing just that if it is indeed perceived that way. That's the way it is perceived, James. It appears that you are attempting to jam this echo. Especially since there are several more acceptable means of disseminating such information. ... Pax vobiscum. -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!129!26!Jack.O'keeffe Internet: Jack.O'keeffe@f26.n129.z1.fidonet.org
Fran.O'gorman@f94.n272.z1.fidonet.org (Fran O'gorman) (04/24/91)
Index Number: 15108 Hi James, Just popping in to put in my 2 cents regarding your question about your uploads, if it'll be helpful (not sure if it'll only muddy the waters though) but I did finally get to read the one about the ASL lit (saved it for the weekend when I had time) and enjoyed it thoroughly--I've been telling some of the stories at work --especially the one about the sign for anthropology --that was great --I loved it! But I can also understand the problem this can be for length and transmission time (and the costs incurred thereof) so I'm thinking maybe excerpts might be a better idea...or having people get it later, I don't know, but I did get a kick out of some of the stories and also found the discussion interesting...don't know if this helps though... --Fran -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!272!94!Fran.O'gorman Internet: Fran.O'gorman@f94.n272.z1.fidonet.org