(Vixen) (04/05/91)
Index Number: 14626 [This is from the Silent Talk Conference] Hi Elizabeth, Yes, I have enough good hearing in my right ear to play a musical instrument. I wear BTEs on each ear and use a booted Telex system as well. I can hear speech (right ear) in quiet environments and I have a great telephone that I can plug my ear into and do quite well with (I cannot hear over regular telephones and even a number of hearing aid compatible phones.) and so even with all these gizmos I need to "hear" with, I believe it would be more accurate to call me hard of hearing than deaf. Although, there are some environments where I just do not hear at all. However, when I play, (even an acoustic instrument) and sing, I cannot hear my own voice very well. But I am told that I do quite well and have a voice that is similar to Stevie Nicks of Fleetwood Mac fame. (This is alright with me since I have always admired her songwriting through the years and I eventually got to meet her and spend some time with and eventually became a sort of "friend" to the band and met the others as well. Another big problem that my room mate is trying to help me with, is trying to find a way to "wire me" into a sound reinforcement or mixing board so that I can play in a "band setting" again. I have also been trying to find other significantly hearing impaired musicians to see how they cope with wanting to play while not being able to hear! Will we be a special SIG or what? So, I still go to conerts and stuff like that because even when the music is unintellibke to me, I can still "feel" the beat and the excitement. My prognosis is continued hearing loss and probably profound deafness and I think some may see my desire to keep a tight grasp on my music as an attempt to hang onto the so called hearing world or a denial of my hearing loss, but I don't think so. It's just the music has always been such a very big part of my life and much of my soul has been given over to it. I suppose I will still look for musical things to do or be involved with even when the "big quiet" comes! My new Rickenbacker, John Lennon Signature Limited Edition 12 twelve string is more than an awesome instrument however, that particualr guitar is an investment and it is growing more valuable evey day just lying in its case heheh! I believe our fellow SilentTalker, Stephen White plays the guitar as well and he is deaf. Keepin' the faith! . Vixen -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!203!11!Vixen Internet:
IJJT500@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU (Mike Wheeler) (04/10/91)
Index Number: 14650 Vixen, I play electric Guitar and play in a band (sometimes) I never hear a thing I'm playing but I do great. What I do is run my custom modified Ibenez through an Oscilloscope before my amp to get a picture of my signal and then stand right in front of my cabinet mounted a little above waist high. I have a 100 W marshal head with a 4x12 cabinet (that is 4 12 inch celestion speakers) since I've always delt with music by feel this works great. (also if you have T equiped aids and a headphone out on your amp or stereo headphone jack off the mixer, NOT mono you can buy special adapters to run the sound in T-coil just stay far enough from all the line to not get interference and run shielded cables cost more but also kill some of the hum off the lights) (Ann Stalnaker) (04/11/91)
Index Number: 14736 [This is from the Silent Talk Conference] Hi Vixen - just a short note to say there are many instruments that many deaf folks play. I can play the piano/keyboard - can't read a note but can feel/hear enough of the sounds to get the rhythm/beat. I've always enjoyed what music I do hear but usually don't get all of the sounds unless I have earphones on and I still do not hear those with a high pitch such as violins or the horns. -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!385!14.0!Ann.Stalnaker Internet:
Jack.O' (Jack O'keeffe) (04/11/91)
Index Number: 14745 [This is from the Silent Talk Conference] ES> That's neat! It seems that you've come up with all kinds of ES> ingenious ways to continue to hear the music. It's said that Thomas Edison, deaf inventor of the phonograph and lots of other useful things, listened to the music by biting on the loudspeaker horn with his teeth. He must have had a conductive hearing loss - or else a real taste for music :-) ... Carpe Diem! -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!129!26!Jack.O'keeffe Internet: Jack.O' (Vixen) (04/11/91)
Index Number: 14760 [This is from the Silent Talk Conference] Hi Ann, You know, music is that "particular" area of my life where I feel most devasatated by my hearing loss. So much of my very being has been given to that love. For me, the thought of not being able to put music to my words, whether a joyous melody or a plaintive cry, is something that I have always felt could destroy me! Way back when I was going to the MaryJane Reese Speech and Hearing clinic just showing a "significant" loss in my left ear, I thought, "Well, this is not something to worry about and it is such a slow loss, that it will have little impact on my life!" I felt that my music was "safe!" Little did I suspect, or would have even believed for a moment, that in less than two years, I would be wearing BTEs and my Telex FM and using amplified phones and all of that! I mean it all seems so rediculously unlikely. I never even for a moment considered the possibility of deafness. Until, things did get worse and then I found out that my grandfather was deaf and all of that. But so far, I have learned a lot! I have learned that if I can't hear with my ears, I can often hear using all of my gizmos! I have learned that I can still play an instrument and sing even if I cannot hear myself singing! I have learned that a little clever thought or the "right toy" might allow me to do what I otherwise might not! Best of all, I have learned that deafness does'nt always mean total silence and "I am still playing, writing and singing!" I don't know if you and others can understand how helpful it is for me to hear about deaf persons playing an instrument and how it helps keep me all that much more sane as I deal with all of this! According to my prognosis, I am not yet as deaf as I may likely become and I would be dishonest if I said that I am not fearful, but I do have hope now that I will find a way! I know this is true since I certainly could have given up the struggle to retain what I still have long ago, and I am always on the prowl to find new ways to deal with new situations! My hope is this, when I get to the point where all of my gizmos are no more help and I am beyond wiring, that I will still have the same drive I have now and can "find a way around things and a place in music!" For always, there will be my heart! Thank you for your message! Keepin' the faith! . Vixen -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!203!11!Vixen Internet: (Vixen) (04/24/91)
Index Number: 15116 [This is from the Silent Talk Conference] Hi Mike, Thank you for your note. I appreciate hearing your thoughts! Yes, both of my aids have a T-switch and my Telex FM boots into my BTE on the right side. I can plug myself into Televisions and radios and tape recorders and things and some telephones heheh. But, so far, I have not been wired into an amp or soundboard. Are the adapters that you mentioned something that in some way will work with BTE's to allow me to plug into headphones? I am not quite sure what you saying there. It sounds interesting though! I would love to hear more about that if you would? I just went to a jam session last weekend, it was the first time since I got electronic ears and experienced two very serious drops in my hearing levels. It did not work out at all well and I ended up leaving much sooner than I had intended and very frustrated! I apprreciate your thoughts here since I am really begining to feel that there may yet be gizmos and techniques out there for me that may get at least a little back into playing! Keepin' the faith! . Vixen -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!203!11!Vixen Internet: