[misc.handicap] Weight Control Software LEANER

Harry.Iwatsuki@f15.n114.z1.fidonet.org (Harry Iwatsuki) (04/25/91)

Index Number: 15151


                            LEANER version 1.01
                         Download file: LEAN101.EXE

            Weight Control and Health Risk Assessment Shareware

Designed to fill the needs of a clinic or health program seeking to
motivate and sustain weight control for patients or clients. Robust, but
friendly enough to encourage home use. Context sensitive help, pop-up
menus, windows and a hyperpaging on-line user guide bring you up to speed

This is the LEANER attitude;  crash dieting is out because food and eating
are forever.  Take advantage of proven behavior modification tactics and
motivational techniques to trade in fat for muscle mass and rev up your

Features (partial list)

      -  Chart daily weight and exercise
      -  Record and evaluate personal diet strategies
      -  Virtually unlimited number of individual annual charts.
      -  Calculate aerobic exercise points
      -  English or Metric (auto conversion)
      -  Generate graphs and reports
      -  Design meal exchange plans (vegetarian option)
      -  Determine ideal weight, lean body mass and percent fat
      -  Profile cardiovascular risk
      -  Assess health risk from overweight and underweight
      -  Examine weight related psychological factors.
      -  Personal goals work space.

LEANER v1.01 program files are compressed and held in LEAN101.EXE, a
self-extracting ZIP file.  Future releases will follow the same naming
convention i.e., LEAN<version #>.

Available from CompuServe Forums (MedSig;  Diabetes;  Health and Fitness).

Check your local health or medical related bulletin board, LEANER is being
circulated on the FidoNet Medfiles BBS system.  Edward Del Grosso's Black
Bag BBS List can provide you with phone numbers.

Can't find LEANER on your favorite BBS?  Ask your SysOp to request it from
St. Joseph's Hospital BBS (602) 235-6953.  The latest version is available
courtesy of SysOp David Dodell via FidoNet and Internet:

        FREQ FidoNet 1:114/15
        FTP Internet asuvax.eas.asu.edu in the stjhmc subdirectory

   Harry Iwatsuki (602)955-4266  FidoNet 1:114/15  CompuServe 71021,3617
         MoonStone Software   PO Box 32725 Phoenix, AZ 85064-2725

Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!114!15!Harry.Iwatsuki
Internet: Harry.Iwatsuki@f15.n114.z1.fidonet.org