(David Lunney) (05/01/91)
Index Number: 15259 Bill: Happy to reply! The stuff below gives a brief overview of a) our previous work on using speech technology to make lab measurements accessible to disabled students, and b) a current project on improving access to science and engineering careers for disabled students in our corner of the world. David Lunney ADAPTED COMPUTERS AS LABORATORY AIDS FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITES David Lunney Department of Chemistry and Science Institute for the Disabled East Carolina University Greenville, NC 27858 USA CHLUNNEY@ECUVM1.BITNET I. Introduction Most of the computer adaptations that will be discussed at this workshop are intended to give disabled people access to the same computer tools that non-disabled people use in business and education: word processors, spreadsheets, data bases, and so on. Access to these tools can give disabled people educational and employment opportunities that they never had before; it is with good reason that the personal computer is so widely regarded as the most liberating and empowering device yet developed for people with disabilities. But if in addition to adapted human interfaces the computer is fitted with suitable interconnections to the physical world, a new universe of possibilities opens up: an adapted computer with data acquisition capabilities can make the laboratory accessible as well as the office. Most laboratory measurements are now done with instruments, and access to instrumental measurements can help to make scientific and technical careers more accessible to people with disabilities. The computer can acquire data from instruments and sensors, control experiments, and assist in the analysis of data. An adapted computer with a data acquisition system does not solve all the problems for every disability, of course. A person who cannot perform manual operations may still need some help from an assistant. And, as we shall see later, a visually impaired person may need data analysis tools that can substitute for visual graphs. In short, the adapted data ac- quisition computer cannot remove all the barriers encountered by disabled people in a laboratory, but it can lower a lot of them. II. Previous and Present Work at East Carolina Robert C. Morrison and I first became interested in the problems of disabled students in the laboratory in 1977, when a blind chemistry student brought the problems to our attention. We decided to use high technology to develop a flexible, micro- computer-based aid that could give visually impaired college science students independent access to accurate measurements performed with scientific instruments. With support from Special Education Programs in the U. S. Department of Education our research group has developed a system of microcomputer-assisted laboratory instruction for visually impaired college chemistry students (1-4). Since everything needs an acronym, we call our system the Universal Laboratory Training and Research Aid, or ULTRA. The present version of the ULTRA consists of a quasi- transportable (20 kg) data acquisition microcomputer with speech output, keyboard input, and a variety of analog and digital in- puts and outputs. It can be interfaced easily to both scientific instruments and sensors (pH probes, resistance thermometers, etc.), and we have developed an extensive package of software that can give visually impaired students independent access to most of the instrumental measurements encountered in freshman and sophomore chemistry laboratories. The system uses a speech syn- thesizer to present instrument readings as synthetic speech; in addition to speech, the system can output tones of varying pitch to enable the user to locate maxima and minima in experimental data (a very old technique). The present version of the ULTRA is built around the STD bus, for which a fairly large number of board-level products are available; the machine is essentially an industrial-strength data acquisition computer that talks and whistles. The ULTRA can also be adapted for other disabilities: for example, we added a voice recognition terminal to an early version of the system so that it could be used by students with upper limb disabilities, and we have written software for some voice-controlled laboratory experiments and a voice-controlled calculator (5). The current version of the system could also be adapted for breath control by adding an STD pressure sensor board and writing appropriate software. After we had worked with the ULTRA for a while we found that although it could give visually impaired students better access than ever before to instrumental measurements, there were sit- uations in which the experimental data were too complex to be presented conveniently as spoken numbers or as rising and falling pitches. We needed a means of presentation which would enable visually impaired students to perceive patterns in data, and to get the kind of quick overview that a sighted person gets from looking at a graph. Taking our inspiration from a landmark art- icle by E. S. Yeung on auditory presentation of multivariate data (6), we set about developing schemes for representing complex data patterns as complex sound patterns. We have now developed a few effective methods for presenting multivariate data -- especially data from infrared spectra -- as recognizable and fairly memorable musical patterns, using a computer-controlled music synthesizer. We are continuing and extending our work on auditory pre- sentation of data under a grant from the National Science Foundation. We are again using infrared spectra simply because they are a convenient source of information-rich data. In our present work we are using artificial neural networks to extract information on molecular structure from the spectra; this ap- proach gives results that are roughly comparable to those ob- tained from an expert system. Our next step will be development of schemes to map the network's output vectors into auditory parameters. The use of neural networks gives us a great deal of flexibility because a suitable network can be "trained" to map any input vector into any output vector, and the output vector can then be used to control a variety of auditory parameters. Our final scheme therefore will not be limited to infrared spec- tra, but will be capable of mapping any sort of multivariate data into sound patterns. (Readers who are interested in auditory presentation of data should consult Ref. 7 for an excellent review of the subject. Ref. 8 gives an overview of our approach to auditory presentation of data, including some things that we tried that didn't work.) III. Future Possibilities Modern scientific instruments are more often smart than dumb, and a well-designed smart instrument can be controlled by an external master computer: if the master has suitable adapt- ations a disabled user can control most aspects of the instru- ment's operation from his or her personal computer (with suitable software, of course). For a person who is unable to perform sample manipulations, some help from an assistant may still be required. But in the future, laboratory robots will be able to perform the manipulations. Laboratory robots are now in the early stages of their evolution, and their level of performance is sure to improve with time. We have not been able to find a manufacturer who would be willing to build the STD version of the ULTRA system for a number of reasons. We intend to solve part of that problem by porting some of the ULTRA's software to the ubiquitous IBM PC and its clones. At the time we designed the STD version of the ULTRA very few serious data acquisition products were available for the PC, while about 2000 board level products were available for the STD bus. Now, the situation is reversed. The STD bus is in decline, and the IBM AT bus has become the most widely used bus for industrial data acquisition and control systems. It now would be possible to replicate all the ULTRA's important func- tions on an AT platform. Also, IBM has introduced the Personal Laboratory System (PLS), a flexible, expansible, modular data acquisition system intended for school laboratories. The PLS can accomodate several kinds of sensors, and is simple to program because it communi- cates with its host computer through a serial port. In education- al laboratories many of the functions of the ULTRA could be per- formed by a PLS and PC system equipped with suitable speech output. IV. References 1. D. Lunney, and R. C. Morrison, Journal of Chemical Education, 58, 228 (1981). 2. D. Lunney, R. C. Morrison, M. M. Cetera, R. V. Hartness, R. T. Mills, A. D. Salt, and D. C. Sowell, IEEE Micro, 3 (4), 19 (1983). 3. R. C. Morrison and D. Lunney, Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 78, 418 (1984). 4. R. C. Morrison, et. al., Personal Computers in Chemistry, P. Lykos, ed., 164-176, Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1981. 5. R. C. Morrison, et. al., Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Science, 24, 271 (1984). 6. E. S. Yeung, Analytical Chemistry, 52, 1120 (1980). 7. S. P. Frysinger, "Applied Research in Auditory Data Representation," Extracting Meaning from Complex Data: Processing, Display, Interaction, Edward J. Farrell, Editor, Proc. SPIE 1259, 130 (1990). 8. D. Lunney and R. C. Morrison, "Auditory Presentation of Experimental Data ," Extracting Meaning from Complex Data: Processing, Display, Interaction, Edward J. Farrell, Editor, Proc. SPIE 1259, 140 (1990). A PROJECT TO MAKE SCIENCE CAREERS MORE ACCESSIBLE TO DISABLED COLLEGE STUDENTS IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA The Science Institute for the Disabled at East Carolina has been awarded a grant of about $99,000 by the National Science Foundation for the purpose of improving access to science and engineering careers for disabled college students in Eastern North Carolina. Under this grant, the Institute plans to disseminate information among college teachers in the region on teaching science to disabled students and on career opportunities in science and engineering for disabled students. The Institute also will provide college teachers with consultation on problems encountered by disabled students in science courses, and plans to operate a "lending library" of adaptive technology and special science materials for the benefit of disabled science students in the region's community colleges. Another important activity will be recruitment of disabled college and high school students into science-related careers. The current grant is limited to activities which serve college students, but we are seeking additional funds to broaden the project's reach to include science teachers and disabled science students in the public schools of Eastern North Carolina. One of the most important messages that we would like to bring to parents of disabled children, to teachers, and to counselers, is that science and engineering are quite reasonable career goals for children with disablilities. The most important qualities that make a good scientist or engineer -- intelligence, curiosity, perseverance, creativity, a zest for problem-solving, and so on -- are qualities of character and intellect that can be found in both disabled and non-disabled children. If you examine some of the career information put out by the various scientific and engineering societies in the U.S., you will find these mental qualities mentioned again and again, but you will find almost no mention of physical or sensory requirements. I can point out examples of disabled men and women working productively in almost every branch of science and engineering. Although disabled people have proved that they can be capable scientists and engineers, they are still grossly under- represented in America's science and engineering work force. Why? A recent report by the National Science Foundation Task Force on Persons with Disabilities offers this as one of the most important reasons: counselers, teachers, and even parents often steer disabled children away from challenging studies like math and science, sometimes to shield the children from possible failure. Science and engineering are indeed quite challenging, but they are also highly rewarding occupations. The Science Institute for the Disabled is a very small operation, and consists now of a half-time director and a graduate student. It will soon add several part-time undergraduate assistants and a half-time electronics technician. But the Institute is not just these few people: it is supported by a sizable group of sympathetic faculty members and administrators in many parts of the the University. The support of this University network has so been vital to the Institute's activities that we would now like to widen our network to include industrial supervisors of scientists and engineers, science teachers, special education teachers, and parents of disabled children who want to see all reasonable career options kept open to their children. If you would like more information, please write or call me. David Lunney Science Institute for the Disabled East Carolina University Greenville, NC 27858 919-758-6453 919-757-6713 CHLUNNEY@ECUVM1.BITNET