Tandy.Way@f6.n377.z1.fidonet.org (Tandy Way) (04/11/91)
Index Number: 14770 [This is from the Chronic Pain Conference on Fidonet] I have chronic back pain and have went all sorts of routes. the other day a guy who rides the bus told me about something called d.m.s.o. not available just anywhere normally at a healthfood store or something. understand it has been used on horses during important races to kill legg pain. this guy claims he has used it for years with no ill effects. anyone here know about this? I asked one of my doctors about it the other day and he bad mouthed it saying it was illegal in some states and was a carrier he says if you have something on your skin that should not be inside your body that d.m.s.o will carry it in. I am trying to separate fact from fiction. ... -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!377!6!Tandy.Way Internet: Tandy.Way@f6.n377.z1.fidonet.org
Jean.West@f15.n363.z1.fidonet.org (Jean West) (05/03/91)
Index Number: 15318 [This is from the Chronic Pain Conference on Fidonet] I am fairly new on here, but as I was reading your message I just had to reply.I had and still do at times severe back pain. I wear leg braces because of severe nerve damage done because of a ruptured disc. I have tried D.M.S.O. and couldnt tell any relief, I think it is just something someone came up with years ago. . -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!363!15!Jean.West Internet: Jean.West@f15.n363.z1.fidonet.org