(Eric Bohlman) (05/04/91)
Index Number: 15363 [This is from the Blink Talk Conference] Version 1.00, the official shareware release of Tinytalk Personal, is now out. Tinytalk is a screen reader for IBM compatibles that provides a comprehensive set of standard and advanced features at an affordable price while taking up only 18K of memory. In addition to the standard features you've come to expect in a screen reader, Tinytalk includes advanced features like: Automatic reading of popup menus User-defined punctuation announcement Automatic detection of lightbar attributes Column-header reading for spreadsheets and database browse screens Ability to monitor up to 10 on-screen windows and select what gets read when they change Triggered windows to allow hearing one part of the screen when another part changes Up to 10 configurations in memory at one time Automatic configuration loading when you run an application, without having to create batch files and many more. Tinytalk presently supports the following synthesizers: Accent, Artic (with Sonix), ASP, Audapter, Braille 'n' Speak, Dectalk, Doubletalk PC, Echo PC, Laptalk, Soundingboard, Type&Talk and Votalker. Tinytalk can be download or file requested from the COPH-2 BBS in Chicago (Fido 1:115/778, 312-286-0608, 300/1200/2400 24 hours except ZMH) as TTALK100.ZIP. You can also obtain it directly from: Eric Bohlman 1921 Highland Ave. Wilmette, IL 60091 (708)251-5787 The registered version costs $75.00; unregistered copies are available for $5.00 (applicable to future registration). -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!115!778.1!Eric.Bohlman Internet: