(Robert Jaquiss) (05/13/91)
Index Number: 15498 Design Philosophy For LIAISON by DU-IT CSG, Inc. A Full Function Computer Work Station David Bayer, Rick Nash, John Springsteen DU-IT Control Systems Group, Inc. Shreve, Ohio 44676 LIAISON is an alternative keyboard/emulator which allows a high- level SCI quadriplegic to independently operate all functions of a computer. It displays a keyboard as well as other functions information on a color monitor positioned to one side of the computer work screen. Typically, LIAISON is remotely operated (by infrared) from a DU-IT SCI wheelchair control system. It is also operable using only a DU-IT proportional controller plus an adapter. Direct pointing with a small movement proportional joystick allows the operator to type a rate of 7 - 15 words per minute (letter by letter typing). LIAISON includes level-style memory functions (large macros), environmental control functions, and permits the user to lay out his own keyboards. Any software (or software combination) that an able bodied person might use, the disabled user can operate, including those requiring graphical inputs. The primary design criteria were: 1. Independent utilization within the routine of daily living. 2. Independent operation of all processes relating to the computer. 3. Practical availability of ancillary functions commonly used while at the computer. 4. Operating rules that are self-apparent, easy, and consistent. 5. User ability to operate any software that anyone else might use. 6. A control process workable for quadriplegics from C-4 to C-1. 7. Emulation useable with various different computers. 8. Compatibility with present and future DU-IT wheelchair systems. 9. A general device maleability under the user's control. For more information, call Barbara Heinrichs, Information Manager, at (216) 567-2906, or write: DU-IT Control Systems Group, Inc., 8765 Township Road 513, Shreve, Ohio 44676-9421.