(Robert Jaquiss) (05/13/91)
Index Number: 15499 Robotron Access Products Inc. c/o Enabling Technologies Company 3102 S.E. Jay Street Stuart, FL 34997 Telephone: 407-283-4817 1-800-735-1031 Fax: 407-220-2920 Eurka A4 The Eureka A4 is a battery operated portable workstation which can be full featured personal computer or serve as a speech system for your IBM-compatible desk-top. A three pound lap-top with desk-top power, it offers two word processors, a scheduler with automatic reminder alarms, phone directory with auto-dial, built-in modem, scientific calculator, database, music composer with printing capability and much more! The software, the disk drive, the speech, the braille keyboard and the music synthesizer are all standard built-in features. Many unique accessories are available for Eureka including a color sensor, professional quality electrical meter, and optical character scanners--one of which is completely portable. The Eureka is fully compatible with the books prepared on disks by COMPUTERIZED BOOKS FOR THE BLIND. To request a demonstration tape or brochure in print or braille contact Enabling Technologies Company; Barney Barnett, Special Applications Product Manager at (407) 283-4817 or B. T. Kimbrough, Marketing Vice President at 1-800-735-1031.