(Robert Jaquiss) (05/13/91)
Index Number: 15518 This article is reprinted with the permission of Linda Helgerson, President of CD-ROM ENDuser, Disc Magazine, and CE-ROM End User. It is intended for the use in the CBFB magazine. Any other reprinting must be authorized by Ms. Helgerson. DDP: A Standard for Compact Disc Mastering Interchange by Doug Carson There are identifiable and predictable progressions in the development and maturing of virtually any new business or industry. One fairly predictable aspect of growth is the conflict between flexibility and stability. New businesses or industries tend to be very flexible, which is their unique strength. Newer industries are often characterized by the use of various proprietary "standards" or, at the other extreme, no recognizable standards at all. Older, established entities tend to be fairly stable, but sometimes are seen as inflexible. Somewhere in the middle ground is something I call stable flexibility in which a workable balance has been achieved. Stable flexibility is simply the addition of the proper amount of structure into the business or industry "system." The CD-ROM industry, taken as a whole, is somewhere between the initial flexibility of new industries and stable flexibility. This has both good and bad connotations. Things are not yet so rigid that new CD formats or applications cannot be explored. Yet things are not yet stable enough to allow new applications to be developed and produced as smoothly as they should. The CD-ROM industry needs to continue to move towards stable flexibility by adopting the structure of appropriate standards. As anyone who has been involved with the creation of a compact disc information or entertainment product knows, the first time through can be quite an educational process. It is only in the actual doing that one discovers what is real and what is not, what hardware, software and standards exist and are adequate and which are insufficient. This discovering process can be frustrating, to say the least. The Goal is Interchangeability Figure 1 should be here -- somewhere!! Figure 1 shows a typical progression that data goes through before the end user actually uses it. The left of the diagram shows three sets of dependent items dealing with the actual database structure, file system used on the compact disc and presentation of data for compact disc mastering. In an ideal world, there would be standards for all three, at a minimum, and thus perfect and total interchangeability would be achieved at all the various levels from the developer to the user. In practice, with the exception of CD-I, there are not yet enough standards to make this a reality. What is Interchangeable and What is Not The first dependent item deals with the structure and retrieval of the information on the compact disc. Information that is indexed with one vendor's building program typically is not accessible with retrieval software from another. The technical issues involved in creating proper interchange mechanisms are very complex. In addition, there are so many different software packages already available to create compact disc data that a standard may not be possible. The second dependent item deals with file level interchangeability. The ISO 9660 file interchange format provides an excellent mechanism for data file interchange between various CPU systems. The establishment and acceptance of this standard was responsible for significant growth in the CD-ROM industry. For applications that will use CD-I, there is a different file interchange standard utilized. The important thing to remember is that for a given compact disc technology, i.e., CD-ROM or CD-I, as long as both the developers and the users agree on what the interchange format will be, bottlenecks due to the lack of a standard will not occur. The last dependent item on the diagram deals with presentation of data for mastering and replication which is the focus of discussion here. Currently, the most widely used transfer media is several reels of 1/2-inch ANSI labeled tape which is sufficient for a good number of the current text type CD-ROM applications. However, there are several developments and trends in the compact disc industry that are severely taxing the capability of ANSI labeled 1/2-inch tape. Applications which change the "MODE" of data storage on one disc are good examples. Figure 2 shows the various modes of storage currently specified for compact disc. Figure 2 is somewhere here!!! Simple CD vs Complex CD The default mode for CD-ROM is mode 1. When a compact disc only contains one mode of data, then it is referred to as a "Simple CD," even though the application may be quite complex. Examples of simple CD include text databases, text with digital page images and even the audio disc. CD-I, CD-XA and CD-ROM discs with an audio track are all considered "Complex CD" because they contain more than one mode of data. "Complex" refers more to the file interchange and mastering level than to the application level. In fact, when proper standards are accepted, the "Complex" nature of a mixed mode CD will be entirely transparent to both the developer and the user. The Problem With ANSI Labeled Nine-Track Tape As mentioned, nine-track tape is insufficient for complex CD use. To better understand why, one must understand the makeup of a mixed mode disc. Figure 3 shows an example of a hypothetical mixed-mode four-track CD-ROM. Figure 3 is here somewhere!!! For CD-ROM, logical sector 0 is at physical sector 150, due to the 150 sectors of pause required at the beginning of the disc. Additional information is added between tracks where mode changes occur, in the form of pauses and gaps. The amount and content of these pause and gap areas is determined by what mode you are coming from and what mode you are going to. Assuming that each track contains 1,000 sectors, it is seen that track 3 begins not at sector 2000 but at sector 2675. Imagine the rude awakening of discovering this after investing in the first disc production. To make matters worse, the Red, Yellow and Green book only specify minimums for gaps and pauses, not maximums. ANSI labeled nine-track tape is designed to contain and describe only the contents of the actual CD tracks, not any pause and gap areas. This is one of the major shortcomings of using this media without a higher level standard. Another problem concerns CD-I and CD-XA. Typically, one tape record is made to equal one CD sector so a record size of 2048 is used to store mode 1 CD data. Most mastering facilities will master any 2048- byte record tape as mode 1 data, which is the CD-ROM default. Both CD-I and CD-XA use different sector types that are randomly interleaved in a single track, i.e., some sectors contain 2056 and others 2332 bytes. The problem then is how to present this data on tape. Because record size cannot change in a tape file, the smaller sector is padded out to the same size as the larger sector and this now becomes the record size. However, which records contain padded sectors and which bytes are padded? The problems continue to grow. These types of issues and problems necessitate the formation of standards for the industry. The Proprietary and Non Existent Standard Traps Imagine a situation where the major players in the industry did not cooperate and each implemented its own proprietary protocol between CD development stations and mastering equipment. The industry would look like the puzzle shown in Figure 4, with only certain workstations able to supply data to certain mastering facilities. It would be a real shame if mastering facilities had to turn away CD-XA business simply because its equipment did not handle a specific proprietary format -- and this is becoming a problem. Figure 4 goes here somewhere!!!! The other extreme is no protocol whatsoever, and this gets very expensive for everybody. About the only way to create workable complex CDs is for developers to own fairly expensive writable CD equipment on which they could create a single working copy and then send this for re-mastering and replication. While this sounds nice, it does come at a fairly hefty price which cannot always be justified for CD-ROM. Today it is entirely possible to completely build and simulate even the most complex CD using only hard disk and software. This not only saves the developers tens of thousands of dollars, but time. With the acceptance of a workable protocol, this will become the preferred method of compact disc development as shown in Figure 5. Any disc developed on any workstation can be mastered by any mastering facility. Figure 5 goes here!!!!! The Solution is DDP DDP (Disc Description Protocol) is the proposed interchange standard between compact disc workstations and mastering facilities. The drafting and refining of this proposal has been under development for more than a year by an international group of companies including Philips, 3M, PDO, Nimbus, ODM, Elektroson, OMI, Meridian and DCA. Very simply, DDP allows a developer to describe exactly where data is stored on the interchange media, what processing needs to be done prior to mastering and finally where the data is to be placed on the compact disc, including pauses and gaps. The proposal covers both direct access media such as WORM or MO media as well as sequential access media such as nine-track or 8mm tape. Brief Overview of DDP Figures 6 + 7 go somewhere around here!!!!!!! DDP consists of four types of DDP information in addition to the user-supplied track data. Two types, DDPID and DDPMS, are required, while the DDP subcode and text information are optional. Examples for both direct access and sequential access media are shown in Figures 6 and 7 respectively. The function of DDPID is to uniquely identify both the data set and the DDP protocol as well as locate the DDPMS information. The real functionality of DDP is contained in the DDPMS Packets or map packets. These packets contain information about the input data as well as the target compact disc. Information contained in these packets includes: n Whether input data is main channel, subcode or text; n Where input data is located on input media; n Name of input data file; n How many CD sectors are contained in input data; n How the data is stored on the input media; n Where input data is to be placed on CD; n What type of subcode data, if any is present; n What mode of data is to be placed on the CD; n Whether input data is already scrambled; n Length of any gaps or pauses included in data; n Track and index for data; and n ISRC number for track. As can be seen in Figures 6 and 7, the DDP information is stored as a "burst" of information prior to the data that is to be placed in each track. Labeled tape implementations will utilize two small files at the beginning of the tape set (DDPID and DDPMS), with the data files being stored thereafter. For direct access media, the DDPID is located in sector 0 which points to the DDPMS at any location. This allows DDP to be written on a WORM disc even after data files have already been written. What DDP Does For Developers There are three main benefits of DDP that should be the focus of the CD-ROM industry: 1) It is flexible, yet stable. Any compact disc format, CD Audio, CD-ROM, CD-I, CD-XA, CD-G and even proprietary formats can be described by DDP. This ensures that DDP will not have to be constantly changed and that new compact disc formats will be supported. 2) Once a mastering facility implements DDP in its process environment, it is automatically able to make all formats of compact discs which can be described by DDP. Even when new formats are announced, DDP-equipped facilities will be ready to master them. 3) DDP will allow high performance workstations based upon removable media such as WORM or MO discs to be developed and put into general use. These workstations will not be bound by hard disk capacity restrictions or by upload and download times to backup or restore a project. This means more time and money available to the developer to do the things he or she wants to do -- be creative. Summary Standards are critical to the health of any industry and CD- ROM is no exception. We have all seen the growth that came about in "Simple CD" applications with the acceptance of the ISO 9660 file interchange standard. Without this standard, we would still be required to purchase proprietary host adaptor cards and only specific CD-ROM readers for our applications. Due in part to the ISO 9660 standard, developers have had quite a bit of freedom in choosing which CD-ROM reader and PC their applications will utilize. In fact, most developers are not even concerned with trivial items such as this anymore. I trust that the industry participants who have participated in the growth of the "Simple CD" industry will participate in the standards required to make the "Complex CD" industry reach its potential. DDP is a key piece of the structure that will allow the entire CD industry to continue to mature toward stable flexibility. Doug Carson is President of DCA Inc. The proposed standard, DDP 1.00, appears in toto on disc/in/DISC and is courtesy of DCA Inc, 317 West Broadway, Cushing, OK 74023, TEL 918/225-0346, FAX 918/225-7050. Members of the DDP Committee include Doug Carson, DCA Inc.; Wink Saville, Meridian Data Inc.; Bjorn Bluthgen, Polygram; Jim Fricks, PDO; John Nairn, Reference Technology; Jeff Uitenbroek, 3M Company; Jerry Lee, 3M Company; and Parke Lightbown, The Library Corporation.