f8.n10.z1 (Bob Howard 995/18) (04/15/91)
Index Number: 14932 [This is from the Spinal Injury Conference] Although scoliosis is said to be a posture problem, I have a suspicious situation where it could have been drug induced. The drug is steroids, DHEA specifically. DHEA-Dehydroepiandrosterone is an androgen steroid, normally made from male urine, it is a form of testosterone. U.S. FDA list as "unapproved" and can not be sold or distributed. However, criminals are out there selling it as a food suppliment. As a steroid it is largely unknown what this thing can do. Believers think it will increase libido, longevity (140 yr life span), remedy for AIDS, and weight loss, although there is no solid proof, only spotty test with a particular strain of lab mice, weight control, and longevity was observed, this does not prove it can be used on humans. One of the general problems of steroids is that this family of drugs can cause 21+ different aliments, from blisters to cardivascular disease and death. When it happens all things go at the same more importantly it will fuse the long bones of children in puberty. This is the point I'm getting at. If it does that what about the short bones of the spinal column? Are there any doctors out there, endocronologists, orthopedists, and spinal column experts with a degree in eondocronology? This subject is state of the art experimental stuff, and I need expert opinion. Situation is ex wife put the family on this DHEA diet, and three kids were exposed to it. Emotional and psychological problems caused $15,000 damage to the home by the kids!! This case is so strange, we got the FDA, DEA, and several agencies investigating it. We really should have a medical forum. # Origin: The Diamond Bar BBS - 714-923-1031 - Home of HartNet (8:995/18) -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!10!8!Bob.Howard.@.995/18 Internet: Bob.Howard.@.995/ (Joe Chamberlain) (04/19/91)
Index Number: 15038 [This is from the Spinal Injury Conference] BH> Situation is ex wife put the family on this DHEA diet, and three kids BH> were exposed to it. Emotional and psychological problems caused $15,000 BH> damage to the home by the kids!! This case is so strange, we got the BH> FDA, DEA, and several agencies investigating it. We really should have a BH> medical forum. Scoliosis hits about 2 percent of the popluation and most of these are children during their rapid growth stage. Kids between the ages of 10-18 are suspect and there are easy screening techniques which can spot a potential problem. The causes of scoliosis are largely not known, but there is some research to indicate a family connection. Functional scoliosis can be caused by differences in leg length and neurological insult and deficiency. For more infomation write or call the National Scoliosis Foundation in Boston. Toronto's Children's Hospital has a good up to date program as does the A. I. DuPont Children's Hospital here in Delaware. -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!150!140!Joe.Chamberlain Internet: (Joe Chamberlain) (04/20/91)
Index Number: 15041 [This is from the Spinal Injury Conference] BH> Situation is ex wife put the family on this DHEA diet, and three kids BH> were exposed to it. Emotional and psychological problems caused $15,000 BH> damage to the home by the kids!! This case is so strange, we got the BH> FDA, DEA, and several agencies investigating it. We really should have a BH> medical forum. Scoliosis hits about 2 percent of the popluation and most of these are children during their rapid growth stage. Kids between the ages of 10-18 are suspect and there are easy screening techniques which can spot a potential problem. The causes of scoliosis are largely not known, but there is some research to indicate a family connection. Functional scoliosis can be caused by differences in leg length and neurological insult and deficiency. For more infomation write or call the National Scoliosis Foundation in Boston. Toronto's Children's Hospital has a good up to date program as does the A. I. DuPont Children's Hospital here in Delaware. -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!150!140!Joe.Chamberlain Internet: (Joe Chamberlain) (05/07/91)
Index Number: 15437 [This is from the Spinal Injury Conference] HL> What actually is scoliosis> Scoliosis is a deviation of the spine from its normal alignment, usually as a lateral bend or curvature, such that the spine takes on an "S" configuration. Scoliosis does not necessarily have neurological effects, but in severe cases can cause respiratory or cardiac compromise, as vital organs are compressed by a twisted or displaced rib cage. In such cases, respiratory insufficiency or cardiac failure can be significant. If you can't sit up straight in your wheelchair there is a good chance you have some degree of scoliosis. One shoulder higher than the other, a hump when you bend forward, one hip higher than another, are just a few tell-tale signs. -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!150!140!Joe.Chamberlain Internet: (Joe Chamberlain) (05/14/91)
Index Number: 15618 [This is from the Spinal Injury Conference] HL> Thanks for the lucid description of scoliosis, and how to tell if one has HL> it. So far, no sale. My main problem chairwise is not being able to bend HL> forward at the waist as easily as I'd like to--lot of spasticity at that HL> point, and a lot of tightness. Regards, Sounds like tight back muscles. Try a nightly exercise of just leaning forward as far as possible. Do not bounce, but just lean for a little longer each night. -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!150!140!Joe.Chamberlain Internet: